Representatives of Foreign Affairs Committees of the parliaments of the Baltic states and Poland held a joint meeting in the Riigikogu Conference Hall in Toompea Castle to discuss the development of the Nordic and Baltic region security environment until 2020.

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson remarked that although the situation with security around the Baltic Sea is more stable at the moment than ever before, we must be ready for changes in the security situation. He stressed: “In order to ensure the security of the region, we need to adapt to developments on the international level and to take the necessary steps without delay.”

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee says that in order to maintain stability in the Baltic region it is important to develop political as well as practical cooperation in all important issues between the Nordic countries, Poland and the Baltic states, and cooperation with Russia by way of bilateral ties as well as through EU and NATO cooperation.

Researcher Riina Kaljurand from the International Centre for Defence Studies highlighted in her analysis the factors that influence the security environment of the region.

European Union and NATO are facing big problems, such as economic recession, defence cuts, reduced military capacity and redirection of US attention to Asia, but also the unpredictability of Russia’s internal and foreign policy, increased importance of the Arctic and developments in China and Middle East. During the discussions, all these factors were listed as influencing the security environment of the Baltic Sea region, which is why the preferences so far have to be assessed and the existing resources redivided, if necessary.

The participants of the joint meeting of Foreign Affairs Committees visited Ämari Air Base.

Photos of the joint meeting:

The Riigikogu Press Service

