The European Union Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) will discuss Estonia’s positions regarding the preparations necessary for the enlargement of the European Union at the public sitting beginning at 1.30 p.m. today.

Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee Peeter Tali said that last year the discussions on the enlargement of the EU had gained a new impetus, but before enlargement, it was necessary to think how the addition of new Member States would influence the politics, the budget and the general functioning of the Union. “Even before the accession of new countries, we need to know what changes have to be made so that the European Union could function at least as effectively with a larger number of Member States, and make the necessary changes in good time.”

It is planned to discuss and approve Estonia’s positions in various fields of policy at the sitting, including the free movement of persons and labour; internal security, migration and border management; rule of law; education, young people and research; social protection and health care; climate, energy and infrastructure; economy and trade, as well as agriculture and fisheries.

Director for EU Affairs at the Government Office Katrin Juhandi, Director of the EU and International Co-operation Department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Silver Tammik, Head of the International Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture Peeter Seestrand, Deputy Secretary General Kristi Klaas and Head of the Roads and Railways Department Ain Tatter from the Ministry of Climate, and Adviser of the Ministry of the Interior Katarina Budrik will give an overview of the Government’s positions regarding the preparations necessary for the enlargement of the EU.

The discussion of the public agenda item begins at 1.30 p.m., and it can be followed online on the Riigikogu web page. Video recording of the sitting will be available on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.

Riigikogu Press Service
Merilin Kruuse
+372 631 6592; +372 510 6179
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