The President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met with Torsten Albig, the Prime Minister of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein, today in Toompea Castle; the Prime Minister is on a two-day visit to Estonia.

Ergma took the opportunity to express her pleasure over the excellent and close relations between Estonia and Germany. “The State of Schleswig-Holstein and its cities have long engaged in a special cooperation with our regions in numerous fields,” said Ergma, highlighting the close contacts in the fields of culture and education.

The overwhelming majority of cultural cooperation takes place through unmediated cultural exchange and direct contacts, much of it on the level of German States. A proof of the efficiency of the cultural cooperation is the fact that Baltic states have been chosen as partners for the traditional Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival in summer 2013.

As far as European scientific cooperation is concerned, Ergma gave the example of the European Space Agency, who flew the Estonian student satellite Estcube-1 to the orbit with its newest rocket Vega. Ergma describes participation in space projects as an important opportunity for developing economic or scientific activities, particularly the economic use of data collected from satellites. Torsten Albig congratulated Estonia on becoming a space country. Ergma also acknowledged the achievements of Schleswig-Holstein in the fields of high technology and nanotechnology.

Member of the Cultural Committee Mart Meri took part in the meeting. Later today, Albig will meet Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts and Minister of Culture Rein Lang.

Photos of the meeting are available at:

The Riigikogu Press Service


