President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met with Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Angel Gurria today at Toompea. 

Ergma confirmed Estonia’s readiness to be an active member of the OECD, to use the experience gained from the Member States to develop national economy and increase the welfare of the population. Ergma spoke about the accession of Estonia to the European Space Agency to develop its economy in the sphere of space technology. Ergma remarked that in recent years this branch of economy had been on the rise. This research and development work helps to open doors to tens of companies operating in Estonia. Ergma assured that Estonia was working towards developing knowledge-based economy.
The President of the Riigikogu emphasised that Estonia paid special attention to establishing strong economy because it is the basis for solving social problems. “Increasing the efficiency of economy is especially important when the population of the state shows the tendency of getting older. The experience of other states is certainly useful in solving these problems. Using foreign experts in assessing social situation and offering solutions will definitely give us the possibility to find optimal solutions,” said Ergma.
Gurria introduced the activities of different committees of the OECD and recommended Estonia to make most use of the possibilities offered by the organisation. The Secretary General also considered it important to develop fruitful cooperation at parliamentary level.
Ergma and Gurria also exchanged ideas about the issue of labour policy. Ergma drew attention to the fact that contemporary development of economy had brought about significant changes in the nature and conditions of work. Gurria found that this aspect really needed thorough treatment in the analyses of the organisation. At the meeting, the worldwide globalisation process and its growth by sectors was also discussed.
It was noted at the meeting that the cooperation between Estonia and the OECD promised to be useful to both sides. Gurria said, “We are in Estonia to be at your service and to help you.”
Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Urmas Klaas and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Sven Mikser also took part in the meeting.
The Riigikogu Press Service