Today, the President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met at Toompea with Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat and the delegation accompanying him, who are on a visit in Estonia. 

Ergma confirmed at the meeting that Moldova continues to be one of the most important development cooperation target countries for Estonia within the framework of Eastern Partnership in order to contribute to Moldova’s integration process with the EU. The President of the Riigikogu underlined that for achievement of these goals it is important to tighten the ties between the parliaments of the two states, and Estonia has a serious interest and willingness thereto. There are plans to stimulate it with visits of parliamentary committees in the near future. Filat also considered communication between the parliaments important.
The Prime Minister gave an overview of Moldova’s domestic policy and economic situation and the problems related to Trans-Dniestria. The President of the Riigikogu noted that it is of utmost importance that the state manage to maintain a stable domestic policy environment and also to organise presidential elections in the near future. At the meeting, it was stated that the continuing domestic policy instability makes it difficult to carry out reforms and significantly hinders the EU integration process. Filat confirmed that Moldova considers Estonia a significant partner whose support in advancement towards the European Union is necessary and important. Ergma confirmed the willingness of the Riigikogu to contribute to Moldova’s aspirations in every way. The Prime Minister of Moldova said that, besides international financial assistance, he thought it much more important to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for integration into Europe and he considered Estonia’s active work in sharing its experiences with Moldova very necessary and thankworthy.
Ergma expressed her delight that already at the beginning of next year Moldova will become a full member of the EU research programme which allows a state to be part of the EU research space and scientists have an opportunity to apply for financing on an equal basis with EU countries. Ergma saw a good opportunity for cooperation of Estonian and Moldovan scientists there.
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the National Defence Committee Mati Raidma and Chairman of the Estonia–Moldova parliamentary group Marianne Mikko also took part in the meeting.
The Riigikogu Press Service