Today, President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met at Toompea with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kostyantyn Hryshchenko who is on a visit in Estonia.
The President of the Riigikogu expressed her concern about the pressure to the opposition in Ukraine which is sadly confirmed also by yesterday’s judgment of conviction of the former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The trials of several former top officials and managers and the manner in which they are conducted give a quite clear indication that they are politicised. Ergma explained that fair administration of justice has to be based on laws which are in conformity with the principles of the rule of law and international good practices and usages. Therefore it is important that Ukraine as state aspiring to accede to the European Union harmonise its laws with EU legislation, including justice system and the Criminal Code. Politically motivated trials have a negative impact on the relations between the EU and Ukraine, and the EU states will follow further events very attentively.
Ergma confirmed Estonia’s continuing support to Ukraine’s aspirations towards the European Union for conclusion of the Association Agreement and she expressed a hope that the state would take the necessary steps in order to achieve success on that path.
At the meeting, Ergma stressed that Estonia wishes to develop close cooperation with Ukraine in the issues of both politics and economy. More than 50 different agreements have been concluded between Estonia and Ukraine which has established a solid basis for successful development of mutual relations. She also gave a positive evaluation to the communication between the parliaments of the two states.
In Ergma’s words, Estonia values cooperation based on democracy, political pluralism and the rule of law. Equally important would be to adhere to the recommendations of the Venice Commission as regards the new Verkhovna Rada Act in order to ensure the freedom of thought and the principle of pluralism in parliamentary work.
Hryshchenko also valued highly the versatile relations between the two states and he expressed a hope that fruitful cooperation would continue in the fields of both politics and economy. He gave an overview of the internal political problems of Ukraine which have become the focus of global public attention in connection with the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko.
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson also participated in the meeting.
The Riigikogu Press Service