Today, President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met the delegation of the parliament of Moldova who came on a visit to Estonia. Members of the parliament of Moldova gave the President of the Riigikogu an overview of the current situation of internal policy in Moldova and the immediate plans for stabilisation of the situation. The guests said that Moldova is experiencing politically complicated times at present and both the economic and social sphere are at a low ebb.
Ergma encouraged the politicians of Moldova to continue democratic processes and not to choose the easier way out. Ergma: “We fully support Moldova’s aspirations towards the European Union. The most important thing now is to overcome the complicated situation, to ensure stability of the state and to carry out reforms quickly.” In the words of the President of the Riigikogu, cooperation within the framework of Eastern Partnership gives a good chance for Estonia to help Moldova with advice in these issues.
Chairman of the Estonia–Moldova parliamentary group Urmas Klaas also took part in the meeting.
Today, the delegation of the parliament of Moldova who is on a one-week study visit in Estonia will meet, besides Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee Urmas Klaas, Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Peeter Kreitzberg, Chairman of the Finance Committee Taavi Rõivas and Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee Kalev Kotkas.On the following days, meetings are also scheduled with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Sven Mikser, Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Urmas Reinsalu, Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson and the Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur.
The Riigikogu Press Service