Today, the President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma met Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi and the delegation accompanying him, who are on a visit in Estonia. The Prime Minister of Kosovo gave to Ergma an overview of the latest developments in Kosovo and the relations with neighbouring countries. Thaçi stressed that he was in Estonia with the aim of deepening bilateral relations, with a wish to learn from Estonia’s reform experience and acknowledging the activities and choices of Estonia in achieving freedom and independence. In Prime Minister’s words, they are making great efforts to become a member of the European Union in the future. He admitted that reforming the state had not been easy but at the same time he confirmed that they had the support of the European Union and NATO as well as the USA.

Ene Ergma encouraged Kosovo to continue the reforms: “If you have a firm goal, then one day you will achieve it. However, it is clear that you have to do your homework yourself.” Ergma stressed the importance of education, noting that education plays an inestimable role in building a sustainable economy, especially in high technology.
The relations of Western Balkan and the European Union on a wider scale and the aspirations of the Western Balkan countries to accede to the European Union were also discussed at the meeting.
Chairman of the Estonia–Kosovo parliamentary group Hannes Astok also took part in the meeting.
The Riigikogu Press Service