President of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Jüri Ratas held a video meeting with Marshal of the Sejm of Poland Elżbieta Witek today. Ratas expressed support for Poland in countering the hybrid attacks organised by the Belarusian regime on the external border of the European Union and NATO.

“We stand in solidarity with Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, we will continue to support them in the crisis situation and we will use all diplomatic tools to stop the attack,” Ratas said. 

Ratas assured that if Poland needed help or support, Estonia was ready to assist in every way. “Estonia is observing very closely the hybrid attack instigated by the Belarusian regime on the external border of the European Union and NATO,” Ratas noted.

“Unity and solidarity are the most important values today,” the President of the Riigikogu underlined. In his opinion, the Member States of the European Union have to find ways and means for protecting their external borders more effectively and for financing this better.

At the meeting, Marshal Witek gave an overview of the current situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and thanked the EU and NATO member states for their support. She said that many countries had offered every possible assistance to Poland. Witek considered it important that all countries of the region used the same language.

Yesterday, a Joint Statement was drafted on the initiative of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the parliaments of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This Statement will open for signature by the Chairs of the European Union Affairs Committees of the parliaments until Friday.

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