The Riigikogu is celebrating its 95th anniversary on 22 April with the traditional Open House when Toompea Castle is opened to visitors who can meet MPs and see their offices. Märt Agu will lead a dance, young bands will give a garage concert and Tõnis Mägi will perform with the band Estraadiraadio. 

“We are expecting all of you to the birthday party of our parliament with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart,” said the President of the Riigikogu Eiki Nestor. “By the time the Riigikogu opens its doors, all work related disputes should be resolved and voting concluded.” 

The Riigikogu will open its doors at 2.30 p.m. with a balcony concert of the wind quintet of the Police and Border Guard orchestra. A meeting will start in the Plenary Hall at 3 p.m. with politicians discussing the 95 years of Estonian parliamentarianism with the people. The broadcast of the meeting can be followed at: 

Everyone can visit the premises of Riigikogu factions and talk to MPs Andrus Ansip, Kadri Simson, Neeme Suur, Liisa Pakosta, Inara Luigas and Marko Mihkelson in the cafeteria of Toompea Castle at 4–6 p.m. 

Tours are conducted on the architecture of Toompea Castle, in the offices of the President of the Riigikogu and other formal rooms of the Castle by tour guides, MPs and staff of the Chancellery. Tall Hermann tower will also be open to visitors. A special arts and crafts workshop is organised for children. 

The best works from the School Film competition are shown in the Commander’s House and the Conference Hall. At 4 p.m., the public is welcome to follow the history quiz in the Conference Hall, with teams made up of five schools, MPs and the Chancellery. The MP team consists of Remo Holsmer, Rainer Vakra, Lauri Vahtre and Aivar Riisalu

“Traditionally, the anniversary programme of the Riigikogu includes an event inspired by the key word of the year, which this year is the upcoming Song and Dance Celebration. Märt Agu will teach the main steps of a few dances that will be performed at the Celebration in July,” said the Deputy Head of the Public Relations Department Illi Ong who compiled the programme. 

The day will be filled with music, just like a good birthday should be. A garage concert of youth bands will take place at 4 p.m. in the courtyard of the Commander’s House. The anniversary celebrations of the Riigikogu will conclude with a concert of Tõnis Mägi and Estraadiraadio in the courtyard of the Castle. 

The first representative body elected by the independent Estonian nation – the Constituent Assembly – convened in Tallinn on 23 April 1919. The Assembly functioned as a parliament, passing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Land Act, and solving issues of vital importance for the Republic of Estonia. The decisions of the Constituent Assembly formed the foundation of the Republic. The programme of the Open House is available at: 

The Riigikogu Press Service
