Andrus Seeme
I come from Kanepi municipality in Põlva County. I believe that we need to put more effort into strengthening our team spirit. We also need to ensure that the state can put more trust in local governments because these are closer to the people and are therefore best placed to organise life at the local level. The equal development of all our regions is paramount for our national development and security. I want everyone anywhere in the Estonian countryside to feel good and safe, and I want to safeguard the Estonian language, culture, and traditions.
Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Rural Affairs Committee
- Telefon+372 6316558

Draft legislation led
Draft legislation initiated
Jahiseaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõu (553 SE) esimene lugemine
- Jaa, aitäh, lugupeetud juhataja! Hea ettekandja! Jah, ei, väga hea eelnõu, nagu te ütlesite, äkki ehk ei peagi tulevikus seda enam kasutama, kui ei ole selle kohtuteemasid. Aga minu küsimus on, et mis sa ise arvad, kas selle eelnõu raames annaks veel lahendada mõningad kitsaskohad jahiseaduses või i
- Read more
- 12.10.2020 Turismisektori toetusmeetmete kohta
- 14.09.2020 Kaitse-eelarve seisukorra kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
- 20.05.2020 Isikukaitsevahendite hankimise kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
- 14.05.2020 Eelarve kulude seire kohta
- 17.02.2020 Venemaa mõjutustegevuse kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
All votes30.01.2025 / 10:46 | Rejection | Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 5 täiendamise seadus | |
30.01.2025 / 10:00 | Attendance check | ||
29.01.2025 / 15:16 | Voting on the motion | ||
29.01.2025 / 14:44 | Voting on the motion | ||
29.01.2025 / 14:08 | Final vote | Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika rakendamise seaduse ja söödaseaduse muutmise seadus | |
29.01.2025 / 14:04 | Final vote | Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia seaduse muutmise seadus | |
29.01.2025 / 14:00 | Attendance check |
Environmentally Sustainable Food Support Group, E-Estonia Support Group, Hunters Support Group, Farmers and Rural Life Support Group, Defence League Support Group, High-quality Close-to-Home School Network Support Group, Higher Education Support Group, Forest Brothers Tradition and Forest Brothers’ Families Support Group, Forestry Support Group, Nuclear Energy Support Group, Motor and Technical Sports Support Group, South Eastern Estonia Support Group, Rail Baltica Support Group, Estonia-Taiwan Support Group
Parliamentary groups
Estonia-Romania parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group