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I wish that Estonia were a rule of law with deliberative democracy, that our people were healthier and happier, and that the Estonian language and culture would develop. My priorities are that education and research are valued more, medicine becomes patient-centred and more knowledge-based decision-making is used in politics.

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Cultural Affairs Committee
Electoral district: City of Tartu

Margit Sutrop

Margit Sutrop

City of Tartu Electoral District

13 October 1963, Tartu
Married, three children, six grandchildren

Education: Miina Härma Gymnasium (former Tartu Secondary School No. 2) 1981; University of Tartu, journalism 1986, MA in Philosophy 1991; University of Konstanz, PhD (cum laude) 1998

Career: University of Konstanz, Department of Philosophy, researcher 1996–1997, 1999–2001; University of Tartu: Department of Philosophy, junior researcher 1986–1988, Head of Centre for Ethics, Professor of Practical Philosophy 2000–, Department of Philosophy, Head 2004–2007, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, Head 2008–2012, Faculty of Philosophy, Dean 2013–2015, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dean, Member of Rectorate 2016–2019

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2018–

Membership in representative bodies: 14th Riigikogu 2021–2023, 15th Riigikogu; Tartu City Council 2021–

Awards: Order of the White Star, 4th Class 2010;
Concord Prize of the Open Estonia Foundation 2006; University of Tartu: Small Medal 2013, Grand Medal 2019

Research activities: monograph “Fiction and Imagination. The Anthropological Function of Literature” 2000, editor of special editions of academic journals Trames, Bioethics and Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, published over 100 scientific articles in international publications; 45 research and development-related managerial and administrative posts (incl. research grants from European Union 5th, 6th and 7th framework programmes as well as Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, grants from UNESCO, Swedish Rijksbank, and Volkswagen Stiftung, and research grants funded by national values programme at Ministry of Education and Research and Estonian Science Foundation / Estonian Research Council); supervisor of doctoral, post-doctoral and research master’s dissertations; Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies fellowship 2020; University of Tübingen DAAD-Fellow 2021;
Academia Europaea, nominated member 2004; AcademiaNet, pan-European network of excellent female scientists, nominated member 2020

Other activities:
international activities: European Commission, independent ethics expert 2004–; European Science Foundation (ESF), independent expert, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, independent expert 2016–; University of Konstanz, International Advisory Board 2007–; University of Tübingen, International Board of the Centre for Ethics 2011–; Dublin City University, Institute of Ethics, International Advisory Board; Academia Europaea, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Section Committee 2020–
activities in Estonia: Estonian Council on Bioethics 2005–2018, Ethics Committee of Tartu University Hospital, Vice-Chair 2005−2018; Academic Advisory Board of the President of the Republic of Estonia 2006−2012; Steering Committee for the Estonian Long-term Education Strategy 2010−2020; Council of Ethics of Officials 2013−2019; Estonian Research Council, Working Group on Good Research Practice, Head 2016–2017; education and research strategy “Smart and Active Estonia 2035”, expert group on values and responsibility, head 2018–2019; North Estonia Medical Centre, Ethics Council 2018–; Estonian Medical Association, working group on patient’s end-of-life declaration of intent, co-founder 2020, etc.;
participated in drafting of policy documents: Good Research Practice 2017, vision document of expert group on values and responsibility of Education and Research Strategy 2021–2035 in 2019, Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020, Developing Estonian National System for Monitoring and Supporting Ethics in Scientific Research 2020, etc.; co-author of the report of the Higher Education Support Group of the Riigikogu “The role and quality of and the bases for funding higher education” 2021;
has compiled publications “Teadus ja teadmistepõhine ühiskond” (“Science and Knowledge-based Society”; with Urmas Sutrop) 2005; “Eesti Vabariigi naisministrid. Koguteos naistest poliitika tipus” (“Estonian Female Ministers: Collection of Writings about Women at the Top of Politics”; with Kristi Lõuk and Toomas Kiho) 2007; “Eetikakoodeksite käsiraamat” (“The Handbook of Codes of Ethics”; co-compiler) 2007; “Mõtestatud Eesti – ühiseid väärtusi hoides” (“Contemplating Estonia – Upholding Common Values”; with Triin Pisuke) 2008; “Eetika teadustes ja ühiskonnas. Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus 10” (“Ethics in Sciences and Society. University of Tartu Centre for Ethics 10”; with Triin Käpp, also in English) 2011; “Väärtuspõhine kool. Eesti ja maailma kogemus” (“Values-based School. Practices in Estonia and in the World”) 2013; “Eetikakoodeksid. Väärtused, normid ja eetilised dilemmad” (“Codes of Ethics: Values, Norms and Ethical Dilemmas”) 2016, etc.; co-author of “Marika Mikelsaar. Multiresistentne Mamma Bakter” (“Marika Mikelsaar. Multiresistant Mama Bacter”) 2008;
Estonian Society of Philosophy Teachers; Estonian Women Students Society; Tähtvere Society; Tartu Academic Tennis Club;
photo exhibition “Peegel peeglis” (“Mirror in the Mirror”) in Tartu and Tallinn, 2020

Hobbies: tennis, photography



  • Keskkonnakomisjoni algatatud olulise tähtsusega riikliku küsimuse "Tuumaenergia kasutuselevõtmise vajadus ja võimalused Eestis" arutelu
  • Austatud eesistuja! Lugupeetud ettekandja! Suur tänu selle asjaliku kokkuvõtte eest! Nagu te oma ettekandes rääkisite, on inimesed huvitatud sellest, et meil oleks piisavalt energiat, et meil oleks puhas looduskeskkond ja hea elu. Aga see tegelikult tähendab erinevate väärtuste kaalumist ja hea elu
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