Karmen Joller
My priority is strong and sustainable healthcare in Estonia, which offers patients timely and high-quality help. I am also determined to combat the spreading of false information which is harmful for our health. This is where the Estonian society needs a discussion because we must find solutions that ensure adequate freedom of speech but not at the expense of someone’s health.
Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Social Affairs Committee
Electoral district: Kesklinn, Lasnamäe and Pirita districts of Tallinn
- Telefon+372 6316669
- E-postkarmen.joller@riigikogu.ee
Draft legislation led
Draft legislation initiated
Perehüvitiste seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõu (388 SE) esimene lugemine
- Tuletan meelde, et teemaks ei olnud praegu noorte toimetulek, vaid lastetoetused. Ja hetkel ei ole teemaks minu isiklik arvamus, vaid see, mida komisjonis arutati. Noorte toimetulekut selle eelnõu raames ei arutatud. Ja kui rääkida eelnõu olulisusest, siis tagasilükkamise poolt olime mina, Helmen Kü
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Composition of the Riigikogu | Mandaadi kestus | Faction | Committees | Valimisringkonnad | Unfortunately the data is presently unavailable for display. |
All votes08.10.2024 / 10:51 | Rejection | Jahiseaduse muutmise seadus | |
08.10.2024 / 11:13 | Rejection | Karistusseadustiku muutmise seadus | |
08.10.2024 / 10:00 | Attendance check | ||
07.10.2024 / 15:00 | Attendance check | ||
26.09.2024 / 10:00 | Attendance check | ||
25.09.2024 / 20:04 | Rejection | Rahvusvahelise Tööorganisatsiooni (ILO) töömaailmas esineva vägivalla ja ahistamise kõrvaldamist käsitleva konventsiooni (nr 190) ratifitseerimise seadus | |
25.09.2024 / 16:10 | Rejection | Tulumaksuseaduse ja kaitseväeteenistuse seaduse muutmise seaduse muutmise seadus |
Finno-Ugric Support Group, Free and Democratic Iran Support Group, Tibet Support Group, Family Caregivers and Caregivers Support Group, Environmentally Sustainable Food Support Group, Civil Protection Support Group, Democratic Belarus Support Group, Circular Economy Support Group, Support Group for Combating False Information, Cancer and Rare Disease Treatment Support Group, Song Celebrations Support Group “Riigikogu Choir”, Youth Mental Health Support group, Volunteer Rescue Service Support Group, Tallinn Hospital Support Group, Higher Education Support Group, Health Care Organisation and Financing Support Group, Health Promotion Support Group, Estonia-Taiwan Support Group, Riigikogu Women’s Association, Mental Health Support Group
Parliamentary groups
Estonia-Israel parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Iceland parliamentary group, Estonia-Saudi Arabia parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Czech parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Great Britain parliamentary friendship group