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My priority is strong and sustainable healthcare in Estonia, which offers patients timely and high-quality help. I am also determined to combat the spreading of false information which is harmful for our health. This is where the Estonian society needs a discussion because we must find solutions that ensure adequate freedom of speech but not at the expense of someone’s health.

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Social Affairs Committee
Electoral district: Kesklinn, Lasnamäe and Pirita districts of Tallinn

Karmen Joller

Karmen Joller

Tallinn City Districts of Kesklinn, Lasnamäe and Pirita

3 January 1976, Rakvere
Married, four children, two stepchildren, two grandchildren in the family

Education: Rakvere Secondary School No. 1 in 1994; University of Tartu, medicine (equivalent to Master’s degree) 2001, internship 2002, family medicine residency 2005

Career: Freelance translator and editor 1999–2016; OÜ Meditiim, family physician 2005–2006; Telliskivi Perearstikeskus OÜ, family physician 2006–2016; Kivimäe Perearstikeskus OÜ, family physician 2016–

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2022–

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu

Awards: Rescue Service Medal 2011, Badge of Merit of the City of Tallinn 2021;
Volunteer of the Year 2007; Doctor of the Year 2017; Medical Influencer 2018

Other activities: Family Physicians’ Association of Estonia and Estonian Medical Association; NGO Volunteer Reserve Rescue Team and NGO Vox Rationis

Hobbies: reading, crafting, horse riding, dancing, music (piano, singing), hiking, nature, travelling



  • Perehüvitiste seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõu (388 SE) esimene lugemine

  • Tuletan meelde, et teemaks ei olnud praegu noorte toimetulek, vaid lastetoetused. Ja hetkel ei ole teemaks minu isiklik arvamus, vaid see, mida komisjonis arutati. Noorte toimetulekut selle eelnõu raames ei arutatud. Ja kui rääkida eelnõu olulisusest, siis tagasilükkamise poolt olime mina, Helmen Kü
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Composition of the Riigikogu Mandaadi kestus Faction Committees Valimisringkonnad
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The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
08.10.2024 / 10:51
In favourIn favour
Rejection Jahiseaduse muutmise seadus
08.10.2024 / 11:13
In favourIn favour
Rejection Karistusseadustiku muutmise seadus
08.10.2024 / 10:00
Attendance check
07.10.2024 / 15:00
Attendance check
26.09.2024 / 10:00
Attendance check
25.09.2024 / 20:04
Rejection Rahvusvahelise Tööorganisatsiooni (ILO) töömaailmas esineva vägivalla ja ahistamise kõrvaldamist käsitleva konventsiooni (nr 190) ratifitseerimise seadus
25.09.2024 / 16:10
In favourIn favour
Rejection Tulumaksuseaduse ja kaitseväeteenistuse seaduse muutmise seaduse muutmise seadus