
It is important to me that there would be regional development all over Estonia, so that there would be no marginalised places, that the revenue base of local governments allowed to ensure a decent subsistence, the development of enterprise, jobs and worthy salaries in all regions, so that we would have no people who cannot cover their costs of living. It continues to be my task to address these problems.

Unaffiliated MPs
Finance Committee
Electoral district: Järvamaa and Viljandimaa

Kersti Sarapuu

Kersti Sarapuu

Järva County and Viljandi County Electoral District

5 May 1954, Põltsamaa
Widow, five children, four grandchildren

Education: Tartu Secondary School No. 7 in 1972; Tallinn University of Technology, industrial management and planning (equivalent to Master’s degree) 1986

Career: Tartu City Trade Administration, sales assistant 1972–1973; Karinu 8-Year School, teacher 1973–1977; Alliku State Farm Kindergarten, Head 1977–1988; Paide Sookure Kindergarten, Head 1988–1994; Virumaa Commercial Bank / Rural Bank of Estonia, Regional Manager 1994–1998; AS Kingstor, Member of Board; AS Neli Kuningat, Member of Board 1998–2005 and 2011–;Deputy Mayor of Paide 2005, Mayor of Paide 2005–2011; Kingstor Varad Grupp OÜ, Member of Board 2013–

Party affiliation: Estonian Centre Party 2002–2024.

Membership in representative bodies: 13th Riigikogu (Chair of Parliamentary Group 2016–2019), 14th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair 2019, 2021–2023, Chair 2019–2021 of Parliamentary Group), 15th Riigikogu; Pärnu City Council 2002–2005, 2011–2014 (Chair), also elected 2005, 2017 and 2021

Awards: Järva County Medal of Merit 2014;
winner of “Beautiful Estonian Home 2018” (with husband Arvo Sarapuu)

Other activities: articles in regional and party newspapers; host of Tallinn TV programme on rural local governments “Kodupaik” (“Home Region”)

Hobbies: literature, gardening, travelling



  • Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seaduse eelnõu (538 SE) esimese lugemise jätkamine

  • Aitäh, lugupeetud juhataja! Hea ettekandja! Jah, tõepoolest, meie postkastidesse on laekunud juba teatisarved mootorsõidukimaksu kohta. Kui peaks mingi ime juhtuma ja tõesti täna muudetakse kehtetuks mootorsõidukimaks, siis millal see peaks kehtima hakkama ja mida tehakse nende saabunud arvetega?
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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
23.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
22.01.2025 / 19:36
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu avaldus „Gruusia rahva toetuseks"
22.01.2025 / 17:49
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:48
Did not voteDid not vote
Suspension of the second reading Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:34
Did not voteDid not vote
Rejection Käibemaksuseaduse muutmise seadus
22.01.2025 / 16:31
Rejection Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seadus
22.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check