
Ants Frosch

Võru County, Valga County and Põlva County Electoral District

20 August 1959, Põlva
Married, five children

Education: Valga Gymnasium (former Valga Secondary School No. 1) 1977; University of Tartu, law (equivalent to Master’s degree, cum laude) 1986

Career: Estonian Bar Association, Tartu Office, lawyer 1986–1991; Government Office, Adviser 1991–1992; Estonian Information Board / Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service, Director General 1992–1999; Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg 1999–2003, Ambassador to Poland 2005–2009, to Bulgaria 2005–2009 and 2015–2019, to Romania 2005–2009 and 2015–2019, to Moldova 2015–2019

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2009–2012; Estonian Conservative People’s Party 2021–2024, Estonian Nationalists and Conservatives 2024; Isamaa 2025–

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Constitutional Committee 2024–); Otepää Rural Municipality Council 2021–

Awards: Commander of the National Order of Merit of France 2001; Commander of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy 2004; Grand Cross of Commander of the Order for Merits to Lithuania 2005; Commander of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland 2009 



  • Välismaalaste seaduse muutmise ja sellega seonduvalt teiste seaduste muutmise seaduse (rändemenetluste tõhustamine) eelnõu (548 SE) esimene lugemine

  • Aitäh, hea juhataja! Lugupeetud minister! Mul on selline küsimus, et kas sa lähtuvalt konkreetselt sellest Bolti teemast, mida on täna päris mitmel korral mainitud, kas Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti poolt on mõeldav siiski kas või regulaarselt, mitte iga nädal, mitte iga kuu, aga vähemalt korra, kaks
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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
30.01.2025 / 10:46
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 5 täiendamise seadus
30.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
29.01.2025 / 15:16
Did not voteDid not vote
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:44
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:08
Final vote Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika rakendamise seaduse ja söödaseaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:04
In favourIn favour
Final vote Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia seaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check