Hele Everaus
City of Tartu Electoral District
5 January 1953 Tartu
Single, one son
Education: Tartu Tamme Gymnasium (former Secondary School No. 5), 1971; University of Tartu, medicine (cum laude) 1977; Tartu Maarjamõisa Hospital, internship 1977–1978; Candidate of Medicine 1984, Doctor of Medicine 1993.
Career: University of Tartu: Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, Senior Assistant 1977–1980, Internal Medicine Clinic, Chair of Internal Diseases, Assistant 1980–1987, Associate Professor 1987–1993, Faculty of Medicine, Haematology Laboratory, Head 1985, Non-tenured Professor of Haematology 1993–1999, Children’s Clinic Haematological Intensive Care (and bone marrow transplantation) Unit, Head 1993–2000, Vice-Rector for Development 1998–2003, Faculty of Medicine, Haemotology and Oncology Clinic, Professor 2000–2004, Professor Emerita 2017–; Tartu Children’s Hospital, Haematological Intensive Care Unit, Head 1993–1999; Tartu University Hospital Foundation, Haemotology and Oncology Clinic, Head 2000–2016, consulting physician 2017–; cancer research technology development centre AS Vähiuuringute Tehnoloogia Arenduskeskus, consultant 2005–2013.
Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 1994–, founding member.
Membership in representative bodies: 14th Riigikogu, 15th Riigikogu 2024–; Tartu City Council 1996–2019, 2021–.
Awards: Order of the Estonian Red Cross, 3rd Class 2001.
University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine Medal 1998, University Badge of Distinction 2003, and Grand Medal 2016; Tartu Lady of the Years 2009; European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), Clinical Service Award 2013.
Other activities: Professional training: University of Paris VII, Saint Louis Clinic 1985/1986, Hadassah University Hospital 1991, University of Nebraska Medical Center 2004, 2013, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University 2015, Mayo Clinic 2015/2017.
Estonian Haemophilia Society 1993–; Estonian Society of Haematology 1998–, long-time President; Estonian Blood Transfusion Service, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors 1998–2003; Estonian Society of Organ and Tissue Transplantation 2000–, long-time Head; Estonian Agrenska Foundation, Member of the Supervisory Board 2000–2013; Estonian Council on Bioethics, Chair 2007–2017.
Haematology Research Laboratory organiser 1990–; University of Tartu Children’s Clinic, Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, founder 1993–; founder of the tradition of Baltic Conferences of Haematology, 1998–, organiser of the 1st, 4th and 7th conferences.
American Society of Haematology; American Academy of Disaster Medicine, honorary member 1998–; Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, Member of the Secretariat 1998–2010; Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; European Group of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Honorary Member 2000–; JACIE, Member of the Council; European Haematology Association 2005–; European Haematology Association 2005–; American Association of Bone Marrow Transplantation 2006–; Council of Europe, Steering Committee on Bioethics, expert 2007–2016; EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, Advisory group for Health, demographic change and wellbeing 2013–2016.
Author of over 200 scientific articles, speeches at numerous international congresses and conferences, lectures at universities abroad, supervisor of master and doctoral theses, and expert for evaluating research works at the European Commission for several years. The EPMA Journal, Member of the Editorial Board 2009–; book Vähilabürindist välja (Getting Out of the Cancer Labyrinth) 2018 and co-author of the oncology textbook Onkoloogia õpik 2013.
Hobbies: literature, music.