
I want to contribute to the development of South-West Estonia, and to preserving its uniqueness. In addition to that, my purpose is to make the Estonian society more tolerant and open.

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Cultural Affairs Committee

Liina Kersna

Liina Kersna

Võru County, Valga County and Põlva County Electoral District

3 April 1980, Tallinn
Married, one child

Education: Lasnamäe General Gymnasium 1998; University of Tartu, journalism and public relations 2005, Master of Social Sciences (education management) 2018, doctoral studies in educational sciences 2023–

Career: Estonian Radio, presenter, editor 1998–2002; Federation of Estonian Student Unions, Public Relations Manager 2002–2004; Ministry of Agriculture: Press Bureau, Chief Specialist 2004, Public Relations Department, Deputy Head 2005–2006, Head 2006–2007; Government Office: Media Adviser to Government 2007–2010, 2012–2013, Government Communication Unit, Deputy Director 2010, Director 2010–2012, Adviser to Prime Minister/ Head of Office 2013–2015; Minister of Education and Research 2021–2022

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2013–

Membership in representative bodies: 13th Riigikogu, 14th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair 2022, Chair 2022–2023 of Cultural Affairs Committee), 15th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Parliamentary Group)

Hobbies: travelling, recreational sports, poetry, ballet



All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
30.01.2025 / 10:46
In favourIn favour
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 5 täiendamise seadus
30.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
29.01.2025 / 15:16
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:44
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:08
In favourIn favour
Final vote Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika rakendamise seaduse ja söödaseaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:04
Final vote Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia seaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check