
My activities in the Riigikogu are based on two fundamental values: local community and living environment. A strong and competent community ensures that public interests are pursued, and it is in its long-term interests that the living environment in its diversity be preserved. These two fundamental values determine local identity. Local identities together underpin our Estonian culture, its persistence and development. This in turn has an important role in security and safety. It is short-sighted to regard safety and security only within social and geopolitical dimensions, leaving out the existential issues that are linked to the relations between environment and humans.

Social Democratic Party Parliamentary Group
Environment Committee, European Union Affairs Committee
Electoral district: Harjumaa and Raplamaa

Tiit Maran

Tiit Maran

Harju County and Rapla County Electoral District

9 October 1959, Tallinn
Divorced, six children

Education: Tallinn School No. 21 in 1978; University of Tartu, biology 1983, Master in Natural Sciences (zoology) 1993; Tallinn University, PhD (ecology) 2007

Career: Tallinn Zoo: Senior Researcher 1983–1993, Research Secretary 1993–2007, Research Secretary and Head of Laboratory 2007–2016, Director 2016–2023; University of Oxford, WILDCRU (Wildlife Conservation Research Unit), non-staff researcher 1994–2000; Tallinn University, Associate Professor 2008–2013; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Associate Professor 2013–2016, visiting lecturer 2017–2022, visiting professor 2023–

Party affiliation: Social Democratic Party 2023–

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu

Awards: Estonian Nature Conservation Badge 2018, Eerik Kumari Nature Conservation Award 2020, Gold Badge of the Estonian Nature Conservation 2020, Harju County Badge of Merit 2021, Tallinn City Council Medal 2023

Other activities: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Estonian Theriological Society, Estonian Naturalists’ Society

Hobbies: natural and environmental philosophy, photography, reading, hiking



All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
18.02.2025 / 12:12
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu otsus „Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele pangandussektori ajutise solidaarsusmaksu kehtestamise kohta"
18.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
17.02.2025 / 15:00
Attendance check
17.02.2025 / 15:03
In favourIn favour
Approval of agenda
13.02.2025 / 10:49
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus
13.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 17:45
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote