
When the state quietly withdraws itself into Tallinn, people will inevitably follow. But the state can also do the opposite, and then people will be happy to work and raise their children in Võru, Põlva and Valga Counties. In order for the right decisions to be born, there must be more people in the Riigikogu who actually live with their families in South-East Estonia. I am one of them. I have no intention of moving anywhere from Võru County.

Estonian Conservative People’s Party Parliamentary Group
Anti-Corruption Select Committee, Environment Committee, European Union Affairs Committee
Electoral district: Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa

Rain Epler

Rain Epler

Võru County, Valga County and Põlva County Electoral District

6 June 1977, Tallinn
Married, three children

Education: Johannes Käis Põlva Secondary School 1995; University of Tartu, management and foreign economy 1995–2000; Estonian Information Technology College, information systems analysis 2006–2008

Career: AS If P&C Insurance, different positions 1997–2003; Hansa Kindlustusmaakler OÜ, Development Manager 2003–2005; AS Swedbank Varakindlustus, Development Manager 2005–2006; OÜ Aon Eesti Kindlustusmaakler, Aon Estonia and Aon Baltic, Partnerships Manager 2006–2009; Aon Kindlustusmaakler, Central and East European IT Manager 2009–2012; RSA Kindlustus, Sales and Marketing Manager 2012–2014; entrepreneur since 2014; OÜ Endover KVB, Head of Romanian Division 2018–2019; Adviser to Minister of Finance 2019–2020; Minister of the Environment 2020–2021

Party affiliation: Pro Patria Union 2000–2006; Estonian Conservative People’s Party 2020–, Member of Board

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu; Võru City Council 2021–

Hobbies: accordion playing, fiction



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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
23.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
22.01.2025 / 19:36
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu avaldus „Gruusia rahva toetuseks"
22.01.2025 / 17:49
Final vote Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:48
In favourIn favour
Suspension of the second reading Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:34
Rejection Käibemaksuseaduse muutmise seadus
22.01.2025 / 16:31
Rejection Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seadus
22.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check