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My aim is to help in keeping and developing such Estonia where I see now and always want to see values-based life, openness, courage and kindness. I want it to be a place of freedom, nature and wisdom.
Estonia is facing serious challenges. We have to learn to use natural resources as well as human resources more sustainably and wisely, we need circular economy. Only in this way will we be able to look our children in the eye with confidence, because then we will know that we are leaving them, and their children, an Estonia where it is good to live, Estonia with the best living environment in the world. That is my aim: to work so that I would be able to look my children and all children in Estonia in the eye with clarity and courage.

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Environment Committee
Electoral district: Harjumaa and Raplamaa

Yoko Alender

Yoko Alender

City of Tartu Electoral District

13 June 1979, Tallinn
Married, four children

Education: Södra Latins Gymnasium (Stockholm) 1999; Estonian Academy of Arts, MA in architecture 2010, doctoral studies in architecture and urban planning 2022–

Career: production company Kultorg OÜ, founding member and Member of Board, Project Manager 2001–2004; architecture and production company ZiZi & YoYo OÜ, founding member and Member of Board, Architect/Project Manager 2005–2006; Urbanmark OÜ, Architect/Project Manager 2006–2007; Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department, Heritage and Environmental Areas Unit, Chief Specialist 2008–2012; Ministry of Culture, Adviser on architecture and design 2012–2014; Yoko Oma OÜ, Member of Board, trainer and consultant 2012‒

Party affiliation: Pro Patria and Res Publica Union 2013–2014; Estonian Reform Party 2014–, Member of Board

Membership in representative bodies: 13th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Cultural Affairs Committee 2019), 14th Riigikogu (Environment Committee: Deputy Chair 2019–2021, Chair 2021–2022), 15th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Parliamentary Group); Tallinn City Council 2013–2015, 2017–2018, 2021, also elected 2021

Awards: Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, Commander Cross 2023

Other activities: State Forest Management Centre, Member of Supervisory Board 2021–;
Estonian National Defence Course 2015;
organiser, project manager and/or press representative of events and creative projects: international ice and snow sculpture symposium 1999–2000; publishing of collected works of Urmas Alender (CDs, poetry collection and DVD), anniversary concerts since 2000; sand mandala ceremony of the monks of Namgyal Monastery in Tallinn 2000; Leigo Lake Music Festival 2000–2003; Oriental New Year festivities in Tallinn 2000–2003; Tallinn Light Festival 2002–2004 (also co-author of the concept); anniversary concert of punk band Velikije Luki in Tallinn 2002; concerts of Kärt Tomingas in Tallinn and Tartu 2003; opening event of ABB Motors and Generators Factory in Jüri 2003; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Conference in Tallinn 2004; Estonian Institute of Buddhism journey to India 2004–2008 (also group leader); musical-spatial installation “inimharf” (“human harp”) in Pärnu 2005 (co-author); lighting installation Tallinna Valguskuppel (Tallinn Light Dome) 2005 (implementation); Welcome to N’estonia – “Forest Art” in Kütioru 2005 (implementation); Estonian stand at the 10th International Venice Biennale of Architecture 2006 (also co-author); café-restaurants F-Hoone 2010, Frank 2014 and restaurant Tabac 2017 (interior design and Assistant to CEO);
published books “Roostevaba raamat. Ruja” (“Stainless Book. Ruja”, 1999, co-author) and “Sõna saab Urmas Alender” (“Urmas Alender Has the Floor”, 2020, editor); published in Estonian Jan Gehl’s “Cities for People” in 2015, Gaia Vince’s “Nomad Century. How to Survive the Climate Upheaval” in 2022 and David Sim’s “Soft City: Building Density for Everyday Life” 2022 (e-book, also one of the translators)

Hobbies: architecture, music, travelling, healthy lifestyle 



  • Keskkonnakomisjoni algatatud olulise tähtsusega riikliku küsimuse "Tuumaenergia kasutuselevõtmise vajadus ja võimalused Eestis" arutelu
  • Aitäh! Kõiki neid ja arvukaid teisi aspekte saame kaaluda aastate jooksul. Tegemist on pika vaatega, tuleviku kujundamise esimese sammuga, kui selle otsustame teha. Me ei sülita vanasse kaevu, vaid asume ehitama piisavalt uusi, et Eesti oleks alati varustatud puhta energiaga, mis tagab Eesti konkure
  • Read more

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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
18.04.2024 / 10:07
In favourIn favour
Extending the working time
18.04.2024 / 10:00
Attendance check
17.04.2024 / 23:35
Did not voteDid not vote
Rejection Riigivaraseaduse ja maakatastriseaduse muutmise seadus
17.04.2024 / 22:54
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu otsus „Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele esitada Riigikogule elektri tootmisvõimsuste ja elektrivõrkude arendamise tegevuskava energiakindluse tagamiseks Eestis"
17.04.2024 / 22:43
Did not voteDid not vote
Suspension of the second reading Riigikogu valimise seaduse muutmise ja sellega seonduvalt teiste seaduste muutmise seadus
17.04.2024 / 22:26
Did not voteDid not vote
67. motion to amend Riigikogu valimise seaduse muutmise ja sellega seonduvalt teiste seaduste muutmise seadus
17.04.2024 / 22:20
Did not voteDid not vote
16. motion to amend Riigikogu valimise seaduse muutmise ja sellega seonduvalt teiste seaduste muutmise seadus