Signe Kivi
As a member of the Riigikogu, I will contribute to the culture and education sector as well as to shaping a healthy living environment and considerate and inclusive society. Culture and creative industries are part of the modern economy: successful economy supports culture, and culture gives value to business.
As an artist, I wish to increase the importance of visual culture and design and architecture in the analysis of Acts concerning public space.
Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Cultural Affairs Committee
Electoral district: City of Tartu
- Telefon+372 6316660

Draft legislation led
Draft legislation initiated
Keskkonnakomisjoni algatatud olulise tähtsusega riikliku küsimuse "Kliimamuutuste mõju Eesti õigusruumile ja majandusele" arutelu
- Suur aitäh, lugupeetud juhataja! Austatud ettekandja! Minu küsimus on teie ettekande ühe slaidi kohta ‒ "Teaduspõhine kliimamuutuste leevendamine ja kohanemine" ‒, mis kriipsutab alla selle, et oluline on väiksem tootmine ja tarbimine. Kuidas seda teadmist meie inimeste ja majandusega etteruttavalt
- Read more
- 12.10.2020 Turismisektori toetusmeetmete kohta
- 14.09.2020 Kaitse-eelarve seisukorra kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
- 20.05.2020 Isikukaitsevahendite hankimise kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
- 14.05.2020 Eelarve kulude seire kohta
- 17.02.2020 Venemaa mõjutustegevuse kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
All votes17.02.2025 / 15:03 | Approval of agenda | ||
17.02.2025 / 15:00 | Attendance check | ||
13.02.2025 / 10:49 | Rejection | Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus | |
13.02.2025 / 10:00 | Attendance check | ||
12.02.2025 / 17:45 | Final vote | ||
12.02.2025 / 14:00 | Attendance check | ||
12.02.2025 / 12:00 | Attendance check |
Estonian National Opera House Extension Support Group, Circular Economy Support Group, Expo Support Group, Higher Education Support Group, Health Promotion Support Group, National Culture Support Culture, Rail Baltica Support Group
Parliamentary groups
Estonia-Italy parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group