
As a member of Tartu City Council, in politics, I have mainly stood for making Tartu more ambitious as a city. In my opinion, the regional role of the state is to act as a driving force and supporter so that new local level investments could emerge. I will stand for this also in the Riigikogu.

Estonia 200 Parliamentary Group
Cultural Affairs Committee
Electoral district: City of Tartu

Tanel Tein

Tanel Tein

City of Tartu Electoral District

10 January 1978, Tartu
Married, two children

Education: Tartu Karlova Gymnasium 1996; University of Tartu, physiotherapy (equivalent to Master’s degree) 2003

Career: active athlete (basketball) 1993–2010, member of Estonian National Basketball Team 1997–2009; advertising agency ImiD, CEO 2010–

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2003–2019; Estonia 200 Parliamentary Group, unaffiliated

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu; Tartu City Council 2002–2003, 2017–2018, 2019, 2021–2023

Other activities: Basketball Club Rock, co-founder and Chair of Board



  • Riigikogu otsuse "Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele eraldada vahendid Tallinna Haigla kaasfinantseerimiseks" eelnõu (498 OE) esimene lugemine

  • Aitäh! Ma küsin võimaluse kohta [teha] koostööd erameditsiiniga. Teadupärast on erameditsiinis asjad efektiivsemad kui suurtes haiglates, uuringud, vereülekanded võivad olla hinna poolest lausa 30% odavamad. Kas see on ka läbi arutatud, kui suurt osa suudaks erameditsiin just selle võimaliku suurhai
  • Read more

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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
30.01.2025 / 10:46
Did not voteDid not vote
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 5 täiendamise seadus
30.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
29.01.2025 / 15:16
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:44
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:08
In favourIn favour
Final vote Euroopa Liidu ühise põllumajanduspoliitika rakendamise seaduse ja söödaseaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:04
In favourIn favour
Final vote Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia seaduse muutmise seadus
29.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check