
I am a national conservative, I want to stand for the development of the Estonian national culture, and for the strengthening of the Estonian statehood and independence in the Europe of nation states.

Estonian Conservative People’s Party Parliamentary Group
Foreign Affairs Committee

Mart Helme

Mart Helme

Pärnu County Electoral District

31 October 1949, Pärnu
Married, six children

Education: Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium (former Pärnu Secondary School No. 2) 1968; University of Tartu, history (equivalent to Master’s degree) 1973

Career: publishing house Eesti Raamat, editor 1973–1975; newspaper Harju Elu, correspondent 1975–1976; magazine Pioneer, Literature Department, Senior Editor 1977–1986; farmer 1986–1989; publisher, Managing Director of Estonian Publishers Association 1990–1993; Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the Russian Federation 1995–1999, Deputy Secretary General 1999–2000; Kunst Publishers, Director 2000–2002; entrepreneur 2001–; Adviser to Minister of Agriculture 2003–2004; Adviser to Member of the European Parliament Tunne Kelam 2005–2013; Minister of the Interior 2019–2020

Party affiliation: Estonian People’s Union 2003–2005; Estonian Conservative People's Party 2012–, Deputy Chair

Membership in representative bodies: 13th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of National Defence Committee), 14th and 15th Riigikogu (Chair of Anti-Corruption Select Committee 2022–); Pärnu City Council 2017–2019, Tallinn City Council 2021–2022

Other activities: books on politics and history “Pronksiöö proloog” (“Prologue to the Bronze Night”) 2007, “Lembitu. Eesti kroonimata kuningas” (“Lembitu. The Uncrowned King of the Estonians”) 2010, “Poliitikast ja sõjast” (“Politics and War”) 2014, autobiographical book “Kremli tähtede all” (“Under the Kremlin Stars”) 2002; collection of short stories “Kaks mõõka. Hiina jutud” (“Two Swords. Chiese Stories”) 2009; collection of stories for children “Pesakast” (“Nest Box”) 1984, “Puhkus Lihavõttesaarel” (“Holidays on Easter Island”) 1990, “Langevarjurid” (“Parachutists”) 1991 and “Vana vaskne laevakell” (“Old Copper Ship Bell”) 2009;
also collections of prose poetry “Kolm korvi” (“Three Baskets“) 1979 and “Luuletusi proosas” (“Poems in Prose”) 1982 and an art album “Jaapani puugravüür. Ukiyo-e koolkond” (“Japanese Woodblock Prints. Ukiyo-e School“) 1977;
compiled guidebooks “Eestimaa kirikute teejuht” (“Guide to the Churhes of Estonia”) 2002, “Eestimaa linnuste teejuht” (“Guide to the Hillforts of Estonia”) 2003 and the text to the guide “Eestimaa mõisate teejuht” (“Guide to the Manors of Estonia”) 2001, (co-author; into Finnish 2002) and book "Tunne Kelam Eesti eest Euroopas" (“Tunne Kelam for Estonia in Europe“, one of the authors) 2009;
edited mostly books on politics; also was Editor-in-Chief of magazine Maailma Vaade (World View) 2007‒2013; regular speaker of Tallinn TV programme “Otse kümnesse“ (“Bull’s Eye”) 2018



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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
23.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
22.01.2025 / 19:36
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu avaldus „Gruusia rahva toetuseks"
22.01.2025 / 17:49
Final vote Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:48
In favourIn favour
Suspension of the second reading Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus
22.01.2025 / 17:34
Did not voteDid not vote
Rejection Käibemaksuseaduse muutmise seadus
22.01.2025 / 16:31
Rejection Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seadus
22.01.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check