
I am a true entrepreneur who has been involved in various social activities and the work of the local government council. Knowing local life, seeing its problems and wanting to find solutions to these problems have motivated me to plunge into politics. In my life, I have firmly followed the principle that if you do it, you will make it. As an entrepreneur, I have tried to bring a longer-term vision into politics, so that we would not be afraid to make big decisions on which our welfare and also the welfare of the next generations will depend.

Isamaa Parliamentary Group
Security Authorities Surveillance Select Committee, Finance Committee

Aivar Kokk

Aivar Kokk

Jõgeva County and Tartu County Electoral District

15 April 1960, Jõgeva
Married, three children

Education: Tallinn Sports Boarding School, Otepää Branch 1978; Tallinn University of Technology, production of construction details and structures (equivalent to Master’s degree) 1983

Career: Jõgeva EPT: Mobile Mechanised Special Construction Unit, Head of Planning and Production Department 1983–1985, Chief Engineer 1985–1987, Deputy CEO 1987–1992; AS Cobra Grupp, Chair of Board 1991–1998, Chair of Supervisory Board 1998–2004; AS Seitung, Member of Board 1995–2004; AS Pamako Betoon, Member of Board 1996–2004; Central Estonian Business Centre, Member of Board 1999–2004; Jõgeva County Governor 2004–2009; AS Werol Tehased, Member of Board 2010–2011

Party affiliation: Pro Patria and Res Publica Union / Isamaa 2011–, Deputy Chair

Membership in representative bodies: 12th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Rural Affairs Committee), 13th Riigikogu (Chair of Social Affairs Committee 2015–2016, Chair of Economic Affairs Committee 2016–2017, Chair of Rural Affairs Committee 2017–2019), 14th Riigikogu (Chair 2019–2021, 2022–2023, Deputy Chair 2021–2022 of Finance Committee), 15th Riigikogu (Deputy Chair of Security Authorities Surveillance Select Committee); Jõgeva Rural Municipality Council 1989–2000, 2002–2004 (Chair), 2009–2011 (Chair), 2017– (Chair 2020–2021), also elected 2013

Awards: Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland 2006;
City of Jõgeva Badge of Honour 2007, Honorary Citizen of the City of Mustvee 2007, Golden Cross of the Rescue Service 2007, Badge of Merit of the South Police Prefecture 2008, Golden Cross of Jõgeva County 2015, Jõgeva Municipality Coat-of-Arms Badge 2020

Other activities: Control Committee of the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), Representative of Estonia 2019–2024; Supervisory Board of the Bank of Estonia 2023–; Jõgevamaa Business Club, President; Jõgeva and Tartu Counties Business Club, leader; Vaike Lapp Foundation at Estonian National Culture Foundation, Chair of Administrative Council;
composed music and published books, author of cookbooks “Aivar Koka raamat. Minu maitseelamused” (“Aivar Kokk’s Book. My Taste Experiences”) 2019 and “Aivar Koka raamat: pühade pannkoogid” (“Aivar Kokk’s Book: Holiday Pancakes”) 2021

Hobbies: organising of sports, cultural and charity events and conferences, composing and playing music, photography, recreational sports, gardening, cooking



  • Arupärimine Elroni piletihindade tõusu mõju kohta regionaalpoliitikale (nr 708)

  • Tuleb otsustada, kui palju piirkond saab seda ühistranspordiraha. Seesama niinimetatud tasuta ühistranspordiga tehti mitmeid vigu. Meie erakond ei olnud, kui aus olla, ei toetanud seda tasuta ühistransporti, vaid sel hetkel pakkusime, et 70 senti oleks pidanud olema piletihind kõigile, ükskõik kui k
  • Read more

All comments


All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
17.02.2025 / 15:03
In favourIn favour
Approval of agenda
17.02.2025 / 15:00
Attendance check
13.02.2025 / 10:49
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus
13.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 17:45
In favourIn favour
Final vote
12.02.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 12:00
Attendance check


Restoration of Haapsalu Railway Support Group, Democratic Belarus Support Group, Farmers and Rural Life Support Group, Volunteer Rescue Service Support Group, Home Owners and Taxpayers Support Group, Health Promotion Support Group, Victims and Freedom Fighters of Repression Support Group, Transit Support Group, Forestry Support Group, Families and Demography Support Group, Nordic Countries Support Group, Local Governments and Regional Policy Support Group

Parliamentary groups

Estonia-Armenia parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Spain parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Poland parliamentary friendship group, Estonia–Ireland parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Romania parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Cyprus parliamentary frendship group, Estonia-India parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Italy parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Kazakhstan parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Republic of Korea parliamentary frendship group, Estonia-Thailand parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Sweden parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Finland parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-France parliamentary friendship group, Estonia–United Arab Emirates parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Germany parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Greece parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Malta parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Türkiye Parliamentary Friendship Group, Estonia-Denmark parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-USA parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Luxembourg parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Moldova parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Uzbekistan parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Azerbaijan parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Great Britain parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-China parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Czech parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group
