
My long experience in business has convinced me that you can offer free lunches only with the money you have earned. Having managed local governments, my experience is that taxpayers’ money must not be regarded as something that can be treated carelessly.
I share fully the values set out in the fundamental principles of the world view of Isamaa Party. Family, home, faith, personal liberties, and homeland form the basis of national conservatism, and values are based on traditions.

Isamaa Parliamentary Group
Economic Affairs Committee
Electoral district: Hiiumaa, Läänemaa and Saaremaa

Mart Maastik

Mart Maastik

Hiiu County, Lääne County and Saare County Electoral District

17 May 1964, Tartu
Married, five children, two grandchildren

Education: Miina Härma Gymnasium (former Tartu Secondary School No. 2) 1982; Estonian University of Life Sciences, hydraulic engineering (equivalent to Master’s degree) 1990

Career: Kamm Ettevõtmiste OÜ, CEO 1999–

Party affiliation: Isamaa 2021–, Member of Board

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu; Lümanda Rural Municipality Council, 2009–2014 (Chair); Lääne-Saare Rural Municipality Council 2014–2017; Saaremaa Rural Municipality Council 2017–2019, 2020–

Other activities: Environmental Investment Centre, Council 2023–; AS Eesti Vesi, Supervisory Board 1991–1992; Tallinn Bus Company, Supervisory Board 2004–2005; AS Eesti Post, Supervisory Board 2010–2014; AS Saarte Liinid, Supervisory Board 2011–2014;
established theme park “Lambakogu ja Lambavägi” (“Sheep Assembly and Sheep Force”)

Hobbies: competitive bridge, choir singing, politics



  • Arupärimine Saaremaa tuuletööstuspargi rajamise kavatsuste kohta (nr 680)

  • Suur tänu, härra eesistuja! Lugupeetud minister! Te väitsite küll täiesti vastuolulisi asju. Kuidas saab elektri hind odavamaks minna, kui te ehitate viis korda kallima meretuulepargi versus maatuulepark. Lisaks tuleb sinna veel juurde viia spetsiaalne elektriliin, mis läheb ka veel miljardeid maksm
  • Read more

All comments


All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
17.02.2025 / 15:03
In favourIn favour
Approval of agenda
17.02.2025 / 15:00
Attendance check
13.02.2025 / 10:49
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus
13.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 17:45
In favourIn favour
Final vote
12.02.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 12:00
Attendance check