Helir-Valdor Seeder
As a citizen of Estonia, I wish the public authorities to act economically and the maintenance of the Estonian state to be feasible for us. As a native of Viljandi and a farmer of Mulgimaa, I know the concerns and delights of both city and rural life, and therefore I attach importance to a regional policy that would balance the Tallinn-centered development. As a former minister, the development of rural life and agriculture are also close to my heart. At the same time we have to understand that Estonia is part of Europe, and our national interests have to be protected in a dignified manner also in Brussels.
Isamaa Parliamentary Group
Constitutional Committee
Electoral district: Järvamaa and Viljandimaa
- Telefon+372 6316557
- E-posthelir-valdor.seeder@riigikogu.ee
Draft legislation initiated
Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seaduse eelnõu (538 SE) esimese lugemise jätkamine
- Jaa, ma sooviksin kümme minutit vaheaega enne hääletust.
- Read more
- 20.01.2025 Regionaalsete esindajate kohta
- 20.01.2025 Automaksu mõju kohta lastega peredele
- 14.01.2025 Hariduslike erivajadustega laste koolide liitmise kohta
- 13.01.2025 Tulumaksu tõusu kohta (tagastatud esitajale)
- 13.01.2025 Pensionäride tulumaksustamise kohta (tagastatud esitajatele)
Written questions
- 16.10.2024 Huvigruppide kaasamise kohta
- 16.10.2024 Maksumuudatuste kohta
- 15.10.2024 Kutseõppeasutuste rahastamise kohta
- 14.06.2024 Eesti riigikaitse rahastamise kohta
- 12.06.2024 Relvaseaduse § 46 lg 8 tõlgendamise kohta
All votes23.01.2025 / 10:00 | Attendance check | ||
22.01.2025 / 19:36 | Final vote | Riigikogu avaldus „Gruusia rahva toetuseks" | |
22.01.2025 / 17:49 | Final vote | Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus | |
22.01.2025 / 17:48 | Suspension of the second reading | Kaebemenetlust käsitleva lapse õiguste konventsiooni fakultatiivprotokolliga ühinemise seadus | |
22.01.2025 / 17:34 | Rejection | Käibemaksuseaduse muutmise seadus | |
22.01.2025 / 16:31 | Rejection | Mootorsõidukimaksu seaduse kehtetuks tunnistamise seadus | |
22.01.2025 / 14:00 | Attendance check |
Democratic Belarus Support Group, Farmers and Rural Life Support Group, Large Families Support Group, Natural (Traditional) Family and Marriage Support Group, Defence League Support Group, Home Owners and Taxpayers Support Group, Vocational Education Support Group, Higher Education Support Group, Islands Support Group, Järvamaa and Viljandimaa Support Group, Forestry Support Group, National Culture Support Culture, Families and Demography Support Group, Mulgimaa Support Group, Local Governments and Regional Policy Support Group
Parliamentary groups
Estonia-India parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Moldova parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Uzbekistan parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Latvia parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group