
I believe in freedom, democracy and innovation. Working in the team of the Minister of Defence during Russia’s aggression gave me unique experience and knowledge and I made new contacts in the security sector. Security, national defence and foreign policy will be my main focus also in the Riigikogu.
As a former professional athlete, I also stand for all people of Estonia to be healthier and more athletic. For protected, mobile and forward-looking Estonia!

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
European Union Affairs Committee, National Defence Committee
Electoral district: Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine districts of Tallinn

Kristo Enn Vaga

Kristo Enn Vaga

Tallinn City Districts of Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine

4 January 1997, Tallinn
Married, one child

Education: Audentes Sports Gymnasium 2016; Tallinn University, administration and business management 2020–

Career: professional cyclist in French teams 2016–2017; Estonian Reform Party Youth Assembly Reforminoored, Secretary General 2017–2019; Adviser to Vice-President of the Riigikogu 2018–2021; Adviser to Minister of Defence 2021–2022; Estonian Reform Party, Campaign Director 2022–2023

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2017–

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu; Tallinn City Council 2024–

Awards: Golden Badge of the Ministry of Defence 2022

Other activities: Põhja-Tallinn City District Council 2017–2021; Kristiine City District Council, Chair 2021–; sports commentator

Hobbies: cycling, running, cooking, quizzes



  • Riigikogu otsuse "Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele 1,6 miljardi euro maksumuses laskemoona hankimiseks aastatel 2025–2028" eelnõu (540 OE) esimene lugemine

  • Me oleme väga eesrindlikud. Seega, see jutt, et me ei tee piisavalt, ei vasta tõele. Me räägime, et riigikaitse on meie prioriteet, ja see prioriteet väljendub ka päriselt meie eelarvetes. Lähiaastate Eesti kaitsekulud ulatuvad igal aastal üle 3,3% SKT‑st. Järgmiseks aastaks on hetkel planeeritud 3,
  • Read more

All comments


All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
13.02.2025 / 10:49
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus
13.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 17:45
Final vote
12.02.2025 / 14:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 12:00
Attendance check
11.02.2025 / 10:06
In favourIn favour
Extending the working time
11.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check


Free and Democratic Iran Support Group, Tibet Support Group, Hydrogen Technology and Renewable Energy Support Group, Estonian Aviation Sector Support Group, E-Estonia Support Group, Support Group for Combating False Information, Youth Participation Support Group, Defence League Support Group, Health Promotion Support Group, Forest Brothers Tradition and Forest Brothers’ Families Support Group, E-commerce Support Group, Estonian Defence Industry Support Group, Forestry Support Group, Nuclear Energy Support Group, Nordic Countries Support Group, Cyclists Support Group, Estonia-Taiwan Support Group

Parliamentary groups

Estonia-USA parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Syria Parliamentary Friendship Group, Estonia-Bhutan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Estonia-Great Britain parliamentary friendship group, Estonia - North Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group, Estonia-Iceland parliamentary group, Estonia-Albania Parliamentary Friendship Group, Estonia-Kosovo parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Austria parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Portugal parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Poland parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Lithuania parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Cyprus parliamentary frendship group, Estonia-Monaco parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-France parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Ukraine parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Israel parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Sweden parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Moldova parliamentary friendship group, Estonia-Luxembourg parliamentary friendship group
