
The aim of my work in the Riigikogu is that in the future we could hand over a clean and beautiful country to our children. Therefore, my sphere of activity is the climate policy. Estonia has committed itself to the target of climate neutrality. The activities that contribute to achieving this target have to be led, and fellow citizens should be inspired. In addition, entrepreneurship and challenges of education are also my priorities.

Estonian Reform Party Parliamentary Group
Constitutional Committee

Timo Suslov

Timo Suslov

Harju County and Rapla County Electoral District

2 July 1981, Tallinn
Married, two children

Education: Keila Gymnasium 1999; Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, police 2004

Career: Keila City Government, assistant to Sports Adviser 1999; Northern Police Prefecture: criminal police officer 2004–2008, law enforcement police officer 2008–2009, Head of Constable Division 2009–2012; Deputy Mayor of Keila 2012–2021; Estonian Reform Party, Secretary General 2022–

Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 2013–

Membership in representative bodies: 14th Riigikogu 2021–2023, 15th Riigikogu; Keila City Council 2021–, also elected 2013 and 2017

Other activities: Harju County Business and Development Centre, Chair of Council; Keila Health Centre, Chair of Supervisory Board; basketball referee with international licence 2011–2019

Hobbies: recreational sports, basketball



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  • Aitäh, hea eesistuja! Head kolleegid! Üritan teha väikese kokkuvõtte komisjoni aruteludest. Komisjonis toimus arutelu teisipäeval, 19. novembril ja algataja [esindaja] Helir-Valdor Seeder tegi seal samasisulise ettekande, mille kohta tekkis ka mõningaid küsimusi. Peatun selles kohas, kus Vabariigi V
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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
10.02.2025 / 18:09
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu otsus „Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele viia läbi noorte sotsiaalmeedia kasutamise mõju analüüs"
10.02.2025 / 15:22
In favourIn favour
Approval of agenda
10.02.2025 / 15:00
Attendance check
30.01.2025 / 10:46
In favourIn favour
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 5 täiendamise seadus
30.01.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
29.01.2025 / 15:16
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion
29.01.2025 / 14:44
In favourIn favour
Voting on the motion