
My aim is to make the voice of young people heard at Toompea. It is important to me that the decisions that are made will beneficial for Estonia in the long term, and that every year life in Estonia will get better. I want Estonia to be a place where everyone’s fundamental rights are guaranteed. Estonia should be a place where resolving the climate crisis is considered important. In Estonia, people should not be left alone with their mental health problems.

Estonia 200 Parliamentary Group
Constitutional Committee
Electoral district: Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine districts of Tallinn

Hendrik Johannes Terras

Hendrik Johannes Terras

Tallinn City Districts of Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine

14 June 1993, Tallinn

Education: Old Town Educational College 2012; University of Tartu, journalism and communication 2017; Master of Social Sciences (communication management) 2019

Career: Messente Communications OÜ, Key Customer Manager 2018–2020; Milrem Robotics, Sales Manager 2020–2023

Party affiliation: Estonia 200 2021–, Deputy Chair

Membership in representative bodies: 15th Riigikogu (Chair of Constitutional Committee 2023–)

Other activities: Estonian Defence League, Toompea Unit; Student Corporation Sakala

Hobbies: literature, basketball, music, botany, winter swimming



  • Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõu (544 SE) esimene lugemine

  • Austatud istungi juhataja! Head kolleegid! Põhiseaduskomisjon seda küsimust arutas pigem põgusalt, sest ettepanek on mõistlik. Samuti, härra Seeder juba kandis ette terve komisjoni arutelu. Need kaks küsimust tõusetusid, et kas see on ajutine või mitte, ja leiti, et on mõistlik see ka nii edaspidi j
  • Read more

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All votes
The attendance check information only shows who were present or absent at the moment of attendance check and not during the whole day of the sitting.
18.02.2025 / 12:12
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote Riigikogu otsus „Ettepaneku tegemine Vabariigi Valitsusele pangandussektori ajutise solidaarsusmaksu kehtestamise kohta"
18.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
17.02.2025 / 15:00
Attendance check
17.02.2025 / 15:03
In favourIn favour
Approval of agenda
13.02.2025 / 10:49
Rejection Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse muutmise seadus
13.02.2025 / 10:00
Attendance check
12.02.2025 / 17:45
Did not voteDid not vote
Final vote