Considering the effects of the National Security Law that was enacted last summer, the Hong Kong Support Group of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) expresses a deep concern about its impact on education in all schools of Hong Kong.

Namely, according to recently issued guidelines, the teachers in Hong Kong are obliged to warn students against “subversion” and “foreign interference”. Such an instruction has been set forth in the new National Security Law of Hong Kong, which was unequivocally condemned by the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees of ten parliaments of the European Union in their joint statement last summer. Unfortunately, we can see that the teachers of Hong Kong have started to obediently follow the controversial law that has received criticism from all over the world.

The Hong Kong Support Group of the Riigikogu calls on all political parties to condemn the attempts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to restrict the fundamental freedoms of the people of Hong Kong. The situation in Hong Kong reminds of how Estonians were also forced to suffer the brainwashing of the Communist education system under the Soviet occupation.

For more information, please contact:
Chairman of the Support Group
Tarmo Kruusimäe
Phone +372 631 6446
[email protected]
