Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Marko Mihkelson and his Latvian counterpart Rihards Kols are on a visit to the United States. Their meetings focus on maintaining support for Ukraine and developing a clear strategy for victory. Mihkelson pointed out that the views of US senators and members of the House of Representatives were important because only the Congress could make decisions on funding for continued support to Ukraine.

Mihkelson said that Estonia, like Latvia and Lithuania, was one of the most active supporters of Ukraine who also contributed significantly to its own defence. “At the meetings, we reaffirm our commitment to keeping and developing good relations with the US, to continuing to fulfil our Alliance commitments and to further supporting Ukraine. Among other things, we call for using of Russia’s seized assets to support Ukraine,” he said, and added that Ukraine needed support until it had won the war.

Today, Mihkelson will speak at an event in support of the Baltic States, Ukraine and Israel, which will be attended by US Senators and members of the House of Representatives, as well as experts on US foreign and defence policy, and representatives of embassies, the State Department, think tanks and interest groups.

Today, Mihkelson and Kols have also planned to meet with members of the House of Representatives Chip Roy and Don Bacon, and the representatives of Meridian International Center. Yesterday, they had meetings at the Department of State, the American Jewish Committee and several think tanks. The Chairs of Foreign Affairs Committees of the Estonian and Latvian parliaments also met with former US Ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker. All meetings focused on countering the narrative of war fatigue and shaping a clear victory strategy for Ukraine.

Riigikogu Press Service
Karin Kangro
+372 631 6356, +372 520 0323
[email protected]
Questions: [email protected]
