Members of the Riigikogu submitted a draft Statement in support of the people of Georgia for legislative proceedings
Today, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Eerik-Niiles Kross submitted a draft Statement for the parliamentary proceedings on behalf of 49 members of the Riigikogu, calling on the global community to take specific steps to defend and support of the legitimate President, the civil society and the pro-democracy protesters of Georgia.
The members of the Riigikogu underline in the draft Statement that Estonia respects the right of each country to democratically choose their path in organising their society and entering into allied relations with other countries, and in line with this principle, Estonia has supported the development of Georgia through close cooperation, and has spoken out against the actions of the Russian Federation that threaten Georgia’s sovereignty and undermine its territorial integrity.
“Over the past decade, Estonia has followed the influencing activities of the Russian Federation in polarising the Georgian society and interfering with the democratic elections in Georgia with growing concern,” the draft Statement says, pointing out that the results of the Georgian parliamentary elections, which took place in last October in an atmosphere of violence and intimidation, do not express the free will of the Georgian people. “The governing party Georgian Dream, which enjoys the support of the Russian Federation, is using the fraudulent election results to achieve complete control over state institutions and repress the opposition and the civil society.”
According to the draft Statement, the Riigikogu does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the parliament and the government of Georgia that were formed after the parliamentary elections that took place in an atmosphere of rigging and intimidation of citizens, and of the appointed President, but recognises Salome Zourabichvili as the legitimate President and supports her efforts to put an end to the constitutional crisis in the country.
The Riigikogu expresses its support to the democratic forces in Georgia who are demanding new parliamentary that are inevitable for resolving the constitutional crisis and restoring democracy, condemns the brutal repression of peaceful demonstrations with the support of advancing Russian imperialism, and calls on ending any use of violence or persecution as well as on liberating all political prisoners. In the draft Statement, the Riigikogu also calls on other national parliaments to condemn the violent actions of the governing regime in Georgia.
The draft Statement urges the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union to impose sanctions on the Georgian politicians and officials involved in the violent repression of peaceful protests and in persecuting the people standing for the Georgian civil society. The Riigikogu also calls on suspension of communication with the institutions of the illegitimate government of Georgia until free and fair elections have taken place, and on supporting the representatives of the Georgian civil society and the still surviving free media who continue to work in the name of a free society, despite intimidation and persecution.
“The Riigikogu expresses its solidarity with the Georgian nation who is defending its human rights, Constitution, democracy, and the future of Georgia within the European Union,” the draft Statement says.
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu will discuss the sending of the draft Statement to the plenary assembly for debate and vote at its tomorrow’s sitting.
Riigikogu Press Service
Karin Kangro
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