Information sources
Parliamentary Library blog – we provide information about politics, economics, sociology, law, European Union and international organisations, and introduce new publications.
Society Studies
The database provides the main research and publications produced by the Estonian public sector organisations and think tanks and introduces them to the wider public. See also the publication of the Council of the European Union General Secretariat called Think Tank Review that presents the research conducted in European Member States.
- You can read the Society Studies publications in the digital archive DIGAR.
- You can also browse the social studies research conducted in Estonia here.
- If you would like to be notified about a new publication, let us know: [email protected]
Publications in cooperation with the Chancellery of the Riigikogu
The Chancellery of the Riigikogu in cooperation with the Estonian National Library issues publications that aim to explain the work of the Riigikogu.
Riigikogu Toimetised (“The Proceedings of the Riigikogu”), yearbooks, statistics collections, a variety of booklets and other information materials are published regularly. Albums, children’s books, translated books on parliamentarism, etc., are published.
- Riigikogu Toimetised (“The Proceedings of the Riigikogu”) – the parliamentary journal, issued since 2000, that covers various topics of importance for the society.
- Riigikogu leaflet – includes the seating plan of the Session Hall with photographs of the members of the Riigikogu, statistical data, a brief timeline of the Estonian history, etc.
- 101 biographies – a collection of short biographies compiled using questionnaire-based information of the members of the Riigikogu.
- Riigikogu … koosseis: statistikat ja ülevaateid (“The … Riigikogu: Statistics and Overviews”) – collections about the activities of the different formations of the Riigikogu (starting from the 7th Riigikogu).
- Riigikogu aastaraamat (“Riigikogu Yearbook”) – annual summary of the work of the parliament: activities of the committees, statistics, chronicle, etc.
- Publications in the digital archive DIGAR (2007-2016), since 2017 in the portal DIGAR Estonian Articles.
- Elections in Estonia 1992–2015. Statistics and Explanations
- Eesti NSV / Eesti Vabariigi Ülemnõukogu XII koosseis: 29.03.1990–29.09.1992 – statistikat ja ülevaateid tegevusest. (“Estonian SSR / The 12th Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia: 29 March 1990 to 29 September 1992 – Statistics and Overviews”)
- Parlamendi parem käsi (“The Right Hand of Parliament”), the book in the ESTER online catalogue – interesting archival materials and memories from the history of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu.
Last updated: 20.01.2022