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News from committees
Monday, 13.04.2015
The Legal Affairs Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Legal Affairs Committee
The Foreign Affairs Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Foreign Affairs Committee
The Social Affairs Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Social Affairs Committee
The National Defence Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, National Defence Committee
The Constitutional Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Constitutional Committee
Rural Affairs Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Rural Affairs Committee
Environment Committee elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
13.04.2015 / News from committees, Environment Committee
Friday, 20.03.2015
Good Practice of Members of the Riigikogu, with case examples
20.03.2015 / News from committees, Anti-Corruption Select Committee
On 17 December 2014, the Board of the 12th Riigikogu met with the representatives of factions (Board of Elders minutes…
Thursday, 19.02.2015
Riigikogu passed the Act on Amendments to the Advertising Act
19.02.2015 / News from committees, Economic Affairs Committee
The Riigikogu passed the Act on Amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act and Other Associated Acts
19.02.2015 / News from committees, Environment Committee
Riigikogu passed the Fishing Act
19.02.2015 / News from committees, Environment Committee
Wednesday, 18.02.2015
Riigikogu approved the Public Transport Act
18.02.2015 / News from committees, Economic Affairs Committee
Riigikogu passed the Act on Amendments to the Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act and the Private Schools Act
18.02.2015 / News from committees, Cultural Affairs Committee
Thursday, 12.02.2015
Riigikogu approved the Act on Amendments to the Land Improvement Act
12.02.2015 / News from committees, Rural Affairs Committee
Deliberation of foreign policy in Riigikogu focused on security situation in Europe
12.02.2015 / News from committees, Foreign Affairs Committee
Wednesday, 28.01.2015
Riigikogu made amendments to Alcohol Act to prohibit alcohol lending
28.01.2015 / News from committees, Rural Affairs Committee