
What does Riigikogu do?

The Riigikogu is a representative body that makes laws, adopts resolutions, exercises parliamentary supervision and develops foreign relations.

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What does Riigikogu do?

Parliamentary supervision

Supervision of the activities of the executive power is an important task of the Riigikogu.

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Parliamentary supervision

Legislative work

The Riigikogu conducts proceedings on bills at three readings. Passed Acts are proclaimed by the President of the Republic.

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Legislative work

Foreign relations

Foreign relations of the Riigikogu are coordinated by the Foreign Affairs Committee and the delegations of the Riigikogu.

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Foreign relations

What is Riigikogu?

The Riigikogu is the representative body of the people of Estonia; its members are elected by the people. The Riigikogu holds legislative power.

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What is Riigikogu?

Elections of the Riigikogu

The elections of the Riigikogu are held every four years. Voting is secret, and there are 14 different ways of voting, including electronic voting (e-voting).

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Elections of the Riigikogu

Structure of the Riigikogu

The structure of the Riigikogu is formed of the Board, the parliamentary groups and the committees of the Riigikogu. Three-member Board is chaired by the President of the Riigikogu.

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Structure of the Riigikogu

Have your say!

Involvement of the society is an important part of the work of the parliament in a democratic country. The Riigikogu is expecting purposeful proposals on how to make the life in Estonia better from individuals and organisations.

Be in touch! Plenary sittings of the Riigikogu are public. They can be watched at the Riigikogu from the visitor’s gallery, as a live broadcast on the web and also later on Youtube.

The documents of the Riigikogu are generally public. The documents of the proceedings on draft legislation, verbatim records of the Riigikogu, minutes of the committees, etc. are in estonian and can be found here.

Submit an information request if you want a specific document or information we possess. We reply to information requests on the same day, if that is possible, but not later than within 5 working days. We cannot reply to your information request if you ask information intended for internal use or other information the publication of which is restricted, like personal data.

If your request requires the analysis or synthesis of the information we possess, collecting additional information or legal explanation, it is a request for explanation. We have to reply to it in 30 calendar days. We follow similar procedure in replying to memorandums in which you make us proposals on organising our work, and forward information connected with public life and governance of the state.

Collective proposal can be used for making a proposal to the Riigikogu to amend the current regulation or improve the community life. The address should have at least 1000 signatures in support given by citizens of Estonia. The address can be submitted electronically and on paper.

Submit memorandum

We will reply to you at the earliest opportunity, not later than within 30 working days.

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Submit information request

We will reply to you at the earliest opportunity, not later than within 5 working days.

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Submit request for explanation

We will reply to you at the earliest opportunity, not later than within 30 working days.

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Submit collective proposal

Collect at least 1000 signatures and submit a collective proposal.

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History of the Riigikogu
