September 22 – 25
Agenda of the 3rd Working Week
of the 4th Session of the 11th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 22 September at 3:00 p.m.
1. The sitting begins at 3 p.m.
Unscheduled statements
Tuesday, 23 September at 10:00 a.m.
1. Bill on Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act, the Income Tax Act and the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act (295 SE)
First reading
Jaak Aab,
Heljo Pikhof
2. Report on exercise of supervision over the conformity of the legislation of general application with the Constitution and the Acts, and respect for fundamental rights and liberties, and on performance of other tasks imposed by Acts
Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder
3. Bill on Amendments to the Earth’s Crust Act and the Sustainable Development Act (298 SE)
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Valeri Korb
4. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Oil-Shale Use National Development Plan 2008-2015” (300 OE)
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Kalle Palling
5. Bill on Amendments to the Waste Act and the Penal Code (305 SE)
First reading
Toomas Trapido,
Tiina Oraste
Wednesday, 24 September at 2:00 p.m.
1. Bill on Ratification of Agreement between Government of the Republic of Estonia and Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, and Protocol thereto (291 SE)
Second reading
Peep Aru
2. Bill on Approval of Articles of Agreement of International Development Association (290 SE)
Second reading
Eiki Nestor
3. Bill on Amendments to the Funded Pensions Act and Associated Acts (313 SE)
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Eiki Nestor
4. Bill on Approval of Amendment of Convention establishing Customs Cooperation Council (288 SE)
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Kalev Kallo
5. Bill on Amendments to the Border Guard Service Act (269 SE)
First reading
Jüri Pihl,
Ain Seppik
6. Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Service Act, the Health Insurance Act and the Social Tax Act (289 SE)
First reading
Jaak Aaviksoo,
Trivimi Velliste
7. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Repeal of Riigikogu Resolution of 4 December 2007 “Approval of National Waste Management Plan”” (314 OE)
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Rain Rosimannus
8. Bill on Amendments to the Forest Act and Associated Acts (327 SE)
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Rein Ratas
Thursday, 25 September at 10:00 a.m.
1. The 2007 Report of Eesti Pank
President of Eesti Pank Andres Lipstok
2. The 2007 Report of the Financial Supervision Authority
Chairman of the Management Board of the Financial Supervision Authority Raul Malmstein