November 5–8, 2007
Agenda of the 7th Working Week of the 2nd Session of the 11th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 5 November
Replies to interpellations
1. Activities of investigative and surveillance bodies
Karel Rüütli, Jaanus Marrandi, Mai Treial, Tarmo Mänd, Ester Tuiksoo
Reply by Minister of Justice Rein Lang
2. Of administrative incapacity Ministry of Justice
Kalle Laanet, Evelyn Sepp, Jaak Aab, Toivo Tootsen, Aivar Riisalu, Lauri Laasi
Reply by Minister of Justice Rein Lang
Unscheduled statements
Tuesday, 6 November
1. 47 SE Bill on Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia
Second reading
Report by Mart Nutt
2. 132 OE Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu On Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Security Authorities Surveillance Committee of the Riigikogu
First reading
Karel Rüütli,
Lembit Kaljuvee
Wednesday, 7 November
1. 80 SE Bill on Amendments to the Competition Act
Second reading
Report by Urmas Klaas
2. 119 SE The Bill on the Ratification of the Convention between the Republic of Estonia and Georgia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital and the Protocol thereto
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Andres Herkel
3. 129 SE Bill on the Protocol Additional of 8 December 2005 (III) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem
First reading
Urmas Paet,
Mati Raidma
4. 125 SE The Bill on Amendments to the Government of the Republic Act and to Other Acts in connection with merging of governmental bodies
First reading
Juhan Parts,
Ene Kaups
Thursday, 8 November
1. 80 SE Bill on Amendments to the Competition Act
Third reading in case the second is concluded
2. 77 SE Environmental Responsibility Bill
Second reading
Report by Marko Pomerants