Agenda of the 15th Working Week
of the 7th Session of the 12th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

19.05.2014 15:00

1. 396 Extradition of citizens to other countries
Interpellation by
Kalev Kallo, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman
Reply by
Minister of Justice Andres Anvelt

2. 398 Problems of Enterprise Estonia
Interpellation by
Kadri Simson, Kalev Kallo, Lauri Laasi, Tarmo Tamm, Urbo Vaarmann, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev
Reply by
Minister Anne Sulling

3. 397 Unemployment insurance benefit of employees of enterprises in payment difficulties
Interpellation by
Eldar Efendijev, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Priit Toobal, Valeri Korb, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister Urmas Kruuse

4. 400 Medical checks of young children
Interpellation by
Kadri Simson, Lauri Laasi, Mailis Reps, Priit Toobal, Tarmo Tamm, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister Urmas Kruuse

5. 399 Medical checks of young children
Interpellation by
Kadri Simson, Lauri Laasi, Mailis Reps, Priit Toobal, Tarmo Tamm, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Helmen Kütt

6. 403 Financial support of the Ministry of Social Affairs to the guidance material “Auxiliary Instrument for Assessing the Welfare of a Child for Child Protection Workers”
Interpellation by
Eldar Efendijev, Urbo Vaarmann, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Helmen Kütt

20.05.2014 10:00

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Removal of Members and Appointment of New Members of the Supervisory Board of the State Forest Management Centre” (670 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Environment Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Environment Committee Rainer Vakra

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of the Representative of Estonia to the Control Committee of the Nordic Investment Bank” (671 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Finance Committee
Report by
Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee Sven Sester

3. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Amendment of the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”” (662 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Foreign Affairs Committee
Report by
Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa

4. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe”” (665 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Foreign Affairs Committee
Report by
Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Margus Hanson

5. Bill on Amendments to the Citizenship Act (586 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Constitutional Committee
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Andres Herkel

6. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act and the Health Services Organisation Act (615 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Social Affairs Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Heljo Pikhof

7. National Waste Management Plan 2014–2020
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Chairman of the Environment Committee Rainer Vakra

21.05.2014 13:00

Question Time

21.05.2014 14:00

1. Bill on Amendments to the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (621 SE)
Third reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic

2. Bill on Amendments to § 6 of the Estonian Flag Act (597 SE)
Third reading
Initiated by
National Defence Committee

3. Bill on Amendments to the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act (590 SE)
Third reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic

4. Bill on Amendments to the Individual Labour Dispute Resolution Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act (580 SE)
Third reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic

5. Bill on Amendments to the Value Added Tax Act (626 SE)
Third reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic

6. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act and the Health Services Organisation Act (615 SE)
To be sent to the third reading in case the second reading is concluded
Initiated by
Social Affairs Committee

7. Bill on the Ratification of the Final Acts of the 25th Congress of the Universal Postal Union (610 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Economic Affairs Committee Olga Sõtnik

8. Bill on Amendments to the General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act and Amendments to the Act on Amendments to and Implementation of the Maintenance of Law and Order Act (573 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee Kaja Kallas

9. Tallinn University of Technology Bill (619 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Lauri Luik

10. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code and Other Associated Acts (554 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Legal Affairs Committee Kalle Jents

11. Bill on Amendments to the Courts Act and Other Associated Acts (570 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Väino Linde

12. 2014–2020 Structural Assistance Bill (622 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Chairman of the Finance Committee Rannar Vassiljev

13. Bill on Amendments to the District Heating Act (609 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Urve Palo
Member of the Economic Affairs Committee Kalle Palling

14. Bill on Amendments to the Universities Act and the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act (627 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Agriculture Ivari Padar
Member of the Rural Affairs Committee Kalev Lillo

15. Collective Agreements and Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes Bill (623 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Social Affairs Helmen Kütt
Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Heljo Pikhof

16. Bill on Amendments to the State Family Benefits Act, the Social Welfare Act and the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens (669 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Social Affairs Helmen Kütt
Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Heljo Pikhof

17. Bill on Amendments to the Auditors Activities Act and the Securities Market Act (613 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Finance Jürgen Ligi
Deputy Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee Toomas Tõniste

18. Bill on Amendments to the Gambling Tax Act and the Taxation Act (653 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Finance Jürgen Ligi
Chairman of the Finance Committee Rannar Vassiljev

19. Bill on Amendments to the Waste Act (661 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Member of the Environment Committee Jaanus Tamkivi

20. Bill on Amendments to the Spatial Information Act (652 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Member of the Environment Committee Rein Randver

21. General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act Implementation Bill (668 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Member of the Environment Committee Tõnis Kõiv

22.05.2014 10:00

1. Deliberation of the matter of significant national importance “Youth Development Plan 2014-2020”
Reports by
Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Lauri Luik
Minister of Education and Research Jevgeni Ossinovski
Chairman of the Board of the Estonian National Youth Council Reet Sillavee
