Agenda of the 15th Working Week of the 3rd Session of the 12th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 14 May at 3:00 p.m.

Replies to interpellations

1. Organisation of state museums in counties
Submitted by
Priit Toobal, Eldar Efendijev, Enn Eesmaa, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Mailis Reps, Yana Toom, Ester Tuiksoo, Inara Luigas
Reply by
Minister of Culture Rein Lang

2. The state examination in the Estonian language
Submitted by
Mailis Reps, Yana Toom, Priit Toobal, Eldar Efendijev, Enn Eesmaa, Vladimir Velman
Reply by
Minister of Education and Research Jaak Aaviksoo

3. Teachers’ salary rise
Submitted by
Mailis Reps, Marika Tuus-Laul, Valeri Korb, Vladimir Velman, Lauri Laasi, Peeter Võsa, Enn Eesmaa, Tarmo Tamm, Jüri Ratas, Olga Sõtnik, Priit Toobal, Viktor Vassiljev, Yana Toom, Ester Tuiksoo
Reply by
Minister of Education and Research Jaak Aaviksoo

4. Closing of schools in Jõgeva
Submitted by
Marika Tuus-Laul, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Valeri Korb, Vladimir Velman, Eldar Efendijev, Priit Toobal, Viktor Vassiljev, Yana Toom, Ester Tuiksoo
Reply by
Minister of Education and Research Jaak Aaviksoo

Unscheduled statements

Tuesday, 15 May at 10:00 a.m.

1. Bill on the Ratification of the Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Member States of the European Union) and the Republic of Croatia concerning the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (221 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Urmas Paet,
Imre Sooäär

2. Bill on Amendments to the Liquid Fuel Act (228 SE)
First reading
Report by
Aivar Sõerd

3. Bill on Amendments to the Land Tax Act (197 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Kalev Kotkas,
Sven Sester

4. Bill on Amendments to the Political Parties Act (144 SE)
First reading
Report by
Peep Aru

Wednesday, 16 May at 2:00 p.m.

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Use of the Defence Forces in the Performance of the International Duties of the Estonian State in the UN Supervision Mission in Syria” (225 OE)
Second reading
Report by
Mati Raidma

2. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Mental Health Act, the Punishment Register Act, the Probation Supervision Act and the Health Care Services Organisation Act (176 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Igor Gräzin

3. Bill on Amendments to the Health Care Services Organisation Act and the General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act (188 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Maret Maripuu

4. Bill on Amendments to the Administrative Cooperation Act and the Sports Act (200 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Rein Lang,
Lauri Luik

5. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act (224 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Rein Lang,
Helmen Kütt

6. Bill on Amendments to the Republic of Estonia Education Act and Other Associated Acts (223 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Jaak Aaviksoo,
Aadu Must

Thursday, 17 May at 10:00 a.m.

1. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Enforcement Procedure (183 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Andres Anvelt
