May, 12-15
Agenda of the 14th Working Week
of the 7th Session of the 12th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
12.05.2014 15:00
13.05.2014 10:00
1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Amendment of the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe”” (659 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Foreign Affairs Committee
Report by
Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa
2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation Environmental Investment Centre” (660 OE)
Introduced to legislative proceeding
Initiated by
Environment Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Environment Committee Rainer Vakra
3. Bill on Amendments to § 6 of the Estonian Flag Act (597 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
National Defence Committee
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Väino Linde
4. Bill on Amendments to the Political Parties Act and the Advertising Act (497 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Valdo Randpere
Reports by
Member of the Riigikogu Valdo Randpere
Member of the Constitutional Committee Andres Herkel
5. Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Election Act and Other Acts (617 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Constitutional Committee
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Andres Herkel
6. Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act (651 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Constitutional Committee
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Väino Linde
7. Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act (629 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Andres Herkel
Reports by
Member of the Riigikogu Andres Herkel
Member of the Constitutional Committee Väino Linde
14.05.2014 13:00
Question Time
14.05.2014 14:00
1. Bill on Amendments to the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act (590 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Cultural Affairs Committee Andrus Saare
2. Bill on Amendments to the Value Added Tax Act (626 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Finance Committee Aivar Sõerd
3. Bill on Amendments to the Individual Labour Dispute Resolution Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act (580 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Social Affairs Committee Aare Heinvee
4. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act and the Health Services Organisation Act (615 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Social Affairs Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Heljo Pikhof
5. Bill on Amendments to the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (621 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Rural Affairs Committee Terje Trei
6. Bill on Amendments to the Veterinary Supervision over Trade in Animals and Animal Products and the Import and Export thereof Act and Other Associated Acts (655 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Agriculture Ivari Padar
Deputy Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee Aivar Kokk
7. Bill on Amendments the Food Act (642 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Agriculture Ivari Padar
Member of the Rural Affairs Committee Ester Tuiksoo
8. Bill on Amendments to the Government of the Republic Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (654 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Justice Andres Anvelt
Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Rait Maruste
9. Bill on Amendments to the Spatial Information Act (652 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Member of the Environment Committee Rein Randver
15.05.2014 10:00
1. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act and the Health Services Organisation Act (615 SE)
To be sent to the third reading in case the second reading is concluded
Initiated by
Social Affairs Committee
2. Bill on Amendments to the Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act and the Vocational Educational Institutions Act (616 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Estonian Centre Party Faction
Reports by
Member of the Riigikogu Mailis Reps
Member of the Cultural Affairs Committee Paul-Eerik Rummo