March, 11 – 14
Agenda of the 7th Working Week of the 5th Session of the 12th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
11.03.2013 15:00
1. 274 Estonia’s policy for increasing equality at the decision-making level
Interpellation by
Andres Anvelt, Eiki Nestor, Heljo Pikhof, Helmen Kütt, Jaak Allik, Jaan Õunapuu, Kajar Lember, Kalev Kotkas, Kalvi Kõva, Karel Rüütli, Marianne Mikko, Mart Meri, Neeme Suur, Rannar Vassiljev
Reply by
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
2. 276 Increase of the number of drug-related deaths in 2012
Interpellation by
Andres Anvelt, Eiki Nestor, Heljo Pikhof, Helmen Kütt, Indrek Saar, Jaan Õunapuu, Kalev Kotkas, Kalvi Kõva, Karel Rüütli, Mart Meri, Neeme Suur, Rannar Vassiljev, Rein Randver
Reply by
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
3. 279 Sponsorship agreements of Estonian Air
Interpellation by
Eldar Efendijev, Enn Eesmaa, Ester Tuiksoo, Kalev Kallo, Lauri Laasi, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Priit Toobal, Tarmo Tamm, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman, Yana Toom
Reply by
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
4. 282 Prudent administration of Estonian Air Ltd shares held by the state
Interpellation by
Andres Anvelt, Heljo Pikhof, Helmen Kütt, Indrek Saar, Jaak Allik, Jaan Õunapuu, Jevgeni Ossinovski, Kajar Lember, Kalev Kotkas, Kalvi Kõva, Karel Rüütli, Mart Meri, Neeme Suur, Rannar Vassiljev, Rein Randver, Sven Mikser
Reply by
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
5. 272 Financing of nursing care
Interpellation by
Enn Eesmaa, Kalev Kallo, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Taavi Rõivas
6. 290 Reform of hospitals in South-East Estonia
Interpellation by
Heimar Lenk, Marika Tuus-Laul, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Valeri Korb
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Taavi Rõivas
7. 266 Salaries of police officers
Interpellation by
Eldar Efendijev, Mailis Reps, Marika Tuus-Laul, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Tarmo Tamm, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister of Internal Affairs Ken-Marti Vaher
8. 269 Situation in South-Läänemaa
Interpellation by
Ester Tuiksoo, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Vladimir Velman
Reply by
Minister of Internal Affairs Ken-Marti Vaher
9. 273 Road traffic fatalities
Interpellation by
Enn Eesmaa, Lauri Laasi, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman
Reply by
Minister of Internal Affairs Ken-Marti Vaher
10. 275 Vacant positions in Ida-Virumaa Police Prefecture
Interpellation by
Eldar Efendijev, Enn Eesmaa, Ester Tuiksoo, Lauri Laasi, Mailis Reps, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Peeter Võsa, Tarmo Tamm, Valeri Korb, Viktor Vassiljev, Vladimir Velman, Yana Toom
Reply by
Minister of Internal Affairs Ken-Marti Vaher
12.03.2013 10:00
1. Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Riigikogu Committee of Investigation to Ascertain the Circumstances of the Proceeding and Satisfaction of the Claims Collected to the VEB Fund” (368 OE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Rainer Vakra, Lembit Kaljuvee, Deniss Boroditš, Kalle Laanet, Social Democratic Party Faction, Estonian Reform Party Faction, Estonian Centre Party Faction, Pro Patria and Res Publica Union Faction
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Peep Aru
2. Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of a Member of the Riigikogu a Member of the Supervisory Board of the National Library of Estonia” (381 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Cultural Affairs Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Urmas Klaas
3. Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of a Member of the Supervisory Board of the State Forest Management Centre” (387 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Environment Committee
Report by
Chairman of the Environment Committee Erki Nool
4. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Acts (295 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Estonian Centre Party Faction
Reports by
Member of the Riigikogu Mailis Reps
Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee Marko Pomerants
5. Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Anti-corruption Select Committee” (380 OE)
First reading
Initiated by
Constitutional Committee
Report by
Member of the Constitutional Committee Väino Linde
6. Bill on Amendments to the Citizenship Act (356 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Estonian Centre Party Faction
Reports by
Representative of initiator
Member of the Constitutional Committee Mart Nutt
13.03.2013 14:00
1. Bill on Amendments to the State Legal Aid Act, the State Fees Act, the Code of Civil Procedure and Other Associated Acts (346 SE) /Majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu/
Third reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
2. Bill on Amendments to the Public Service Act and Other Acts (365 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Margus Tsahkna
3. Bill on Amendments to the Police and Border Guard Act, the Rescue Service Act and Associated Acts (364 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Legal Affairs Committee Igor Gräzin
4. Bill on Amendments to the Nature Conservation Act and the State Assets Act (289 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Environment Committee Annely Akkermann
5. Bill on Amendments to the Medicinal Products Act, the Penal Code and the State Fees Act (332 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Social Affairs Committee Maret Maripuu
6. Bill on the Accession to the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (373 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus
Member of the Environment Committee Eldar Efendijev
7. Bill on Amendments to the Victim Support Act and Other Associated Acts (379 SE)
First reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Reports by
Minister of Justice Hanno Pevkur
Member of the Legal Affairs Committee Kalle Jents
14.03.2013 10:00
1. Bill on Amendments to the Public Service Act and Other Acts (365 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
2. Bill on Amendments to the Police and Border Guard Act, the Rescue Service Act and Associated Acts (364 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
3. Bill on Amendments to the Foreign Service Act and the Public Service Act (366 SE)
Second reading
Initiated by
Government of the Republic
Report by
Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Andre Sepp