June 16 – 19
Agenda of the 18th Working Week
of the 3rd Session of the 11th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 16 June at 3:00 p.m.
Replies to interpellations
1. Vocational education in Järvamaa
Jaanus Marrandi, Mai Treial, Ester Tuiksoo, Karel Rüütli, Villu Reiljan
Reply by
Minister of Education and Research Tõnis Lukas
2. Of situation of investment aid to local governments
Tarmo Mänd, Ester Tuiksoo, Karel Rüütli, Villu Reiljan, Mai Treial
Reply by
Minister of Regional Affairs Siim-Valmar Kiisler
Unscheduled statements
Tuesday, 17 June at 10:00 a.m.
1. Supplementary Budget of the Year 2008 Bill (273 SE)
Second reading
Jürgen Ligi
2. Bill on Amendments to the Broadcasting Act (241 SE)
Third reading
3. Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Service Act (244 SE)
Third reading
4. Bill on Amendments to the Establishment of Cause of Death Act (242 SE)
Third reading
5. Bill on Accession to the Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism, cross border crime and illegal migration (233 SE)
Second reading
Toivo Tootsen
6. Bill on Amendments to the Alcohol Act (89 SE)
Resumption of second reading
Urmas Klaas
7. Bill on Amendments to the Health Insurance Act and the Estonian Health Insurance Fund Act (246 SE & 196 SE)
Second reading
Tõnis Kõiv
8. Bill on Amendments to the Nature Conservation Act (212 SE)
Second reading
Erki Nool
9. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code (225 SE)
Second reading
Ken-Marti Vaher
10. Bill on Amendments to § 16 and § 19 of the Environmental Charges Act (264 SE)
Second reading
Marko Pomerants
11. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure (238 SE)
Second reading
Indrek Saar
12. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure (239 SE)
Second reading
Indrek Saar
13. Bill on Amendments to the Study Allowances and Study Loans Act (223 SE)
Second reading
Peeter Kreitzberg
14. Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Bill (259 SE)
Second reading
Paul-Eerik Rummo
15. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure, the Courts Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure (260 SE)
Second reading
Paul-Eerik Rummo
16. Bill on Amendments to the Aviation Act and the State Fees Act (245 SE)
Second reading
Marek Strandberg
17. Bill on Amendments to § 90 of the Electronic Communications Act (261 SE)
Second reading
Helmer Jõgi
18. Bill on Amendments to § 265¹ of the Securities Market Act (282 SE)
Second reading
Jürgen Ligi
19. Bill on Amendments to the Authorised Public Accountants Act (283 SE)
Second reading
Jürgen Ligi
20. Defence Forces Organisation Bill (202 SE)
Second reading
Mati Raidma
21. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Peace-Time National Defence Act, the War-Time National Defence Act and the Government of the Republic Act (203 SE)
Second reading
Mati Raidma
22. Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act (235 SE)
First reading
Valdur Lahtvee,
Väino Linde
23. Bill on Amendments to the State Pension Insurance Act, the State Family Benefits Act, the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act and the Value Added Tax Act (221 SE)
First reading
Marika Tuus,
Taavi Rõivas
24. 262 SE Equal Treatment Bill
First reading
Väino Linde,
Evelyn Sepp
25. Bill on Amendments to the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act (234 SE)
First reading
Mai Treial,
Heljo Pikhof
26. Bill on Amendments to the President of the Republic Official Benefits Act (276 SE)
First reading
Jüri Pihl,
Väino Linde
27. Bill on Amendments to the Maritime Safety Act and the State Fees Act (274 SE)
First reading
Juhan Parts,
Urmas Klaas
28. Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act (236 SE)
First reading
Evelyn Sepp,
Väino Linde
29. Bill on Amendments to the Persons Repressed by Occupying Powers Act (237 SE)
First reading
Evelyn Sepp,
Igor Gräzin
30. 249 SE Bill on Amendments to § 63 of the Health Insurance Act
First reading
Marika Tuus,
Tõnis Kõiv
31. 250 SE Bill on Amendments to § 4 of the Income Tax Act
First reading
Tarmo Mänd
Jürgen Ligi
Wednesday, 18 June at 2:00 p.m.
1. Bill on Accession to Protocol of 2003 to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (247 SE)
Second reading
Valeri Korb
2. Bill on the Ratification of the Agreement on taking account of the periods of insurance completed in the territory of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics between the Government of the Republic of Estonia and the Government of the Republic of Latvia (230 SE)
Second reading
Tatjana Muravjova
3. Bill on Accession to Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (258 SE)
Second reading
Mart Jüssi
4. Bill on Amendments to the Nature Conservation Act (212 SE)
Second reading
Erki Nool
5. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure Implementation Act (219 SE)
Second reading
Ken-Marti Vaher
6. Bill on Amendments to the Universities Act, the Private Schools Act and the Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act and Associated Acts (272 SE)
Second reading
Peeter Kreitzberg
7. Rural Development and Agricultural Market Regulation Bill (275 SE)
Second reading
Kalev Kotkas
8. Bill on Amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (280 SE)
Second reading
Rein Ratas
9. Bill on Amendments to the State Pension Insurance Act and the State Family Benefits Act (267 SE)
First reading
Maret Maripuu,
Tõnis Kõiv
Thursday, 19 June at 10:00 a.m.
1. Proposal No 2 concerning constitutionality of the provisions of the European Parliament Election Act, the Local Government Council Election Act and the Riigikogu Election Act prohibiting political outdoor advertising
Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder,
Representative of the Constitutional Committee
2. Supplementary Budget of the Year 2008 Bill (273 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
Jürgen Ligi
3. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure Implementation Act (219 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
4. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure (238 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
5. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure (239 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
6. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure, the Courts Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure (260 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
7. Defence Forces Organisation Bill (202 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
8. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Peace-Time National Defence Act, the War-Time National Defence Act and the Government of the Republic Act (203 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
9. Bill on Amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (280 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
10. Bill on Amendments to the Universities Act, the Private Schools Act and the Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act and Associated Acts (272 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
11. Bill on Amendments to the Study Allowances and Study Loans Act (223 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
12. Bill on Amendments to the Alcohol Act (89 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
13. Rural Development and Agricultural Market Regulation Bill (275 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
14. Bill on Amendments to the Nature Conservation Act (212 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
15. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code (225 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
16. Bill on Amendments to § 16 and § 19 of the Environmental Charges Act (264 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
17. Bill on Amendments to the Health Insurance Act and the Estonian Health Insurance Fund Act (246 SE & 196 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
18. Bill on Amendments to § 265¹ of the Securities Market Act (282 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
19. Bill on Amendments to the Authorised Public Accountants Act (283 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
20. Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Bill (259 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
21. Bill on Amendments to the Aviation Act and the State Fees Act (245 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded