January 21 – 24
Agenda of the 2nd Working Week of the 3rd Session of the 11th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 21 January
Replies to interpellations
1. The opening of the market of postal services
Kalev Kallo, Arvo Sarapuu, Tiit Kuusmik, Valeri Korb, Helle Kalda, Inara Luigas
Reply by:
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
2. The privatisation of Estonian Air
Kalev Kallo, Olga Sõtnik, Lauri Laasi, Lembit Kaljuvee, Vladimir Velman, Heimar Lenk, Nelli Privalova, Rein Ratas, Enn Eesmaa, Aadu Must, Toivo Tootsen
Reply by:
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
3. The administrative reform
Arvo Sarapuu, Toomas Varek, Jaak Aab, Aadu Must, Tiit Kuusmik, Jüri Ratas, Helle Kalda, Lembit Kaljuvee, Inara Luigas, Toivo Tootsen, Jaan Kundla, Enn Eesmaa, Valeri Korb, Vladimir Velman
Reply by:
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
4. VEB Fund
Karel Rüütli, Jaanus Marrandi, Mai Treial, Ester Tuiksoo, Tarmo Mänd, Villu Reiljan
Reply by:
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
5. Water with higher-level radioactivity
Vladimir Velman, Rein Ratas, Nelli Privalova, Jüri Ratas, Olga Sõtnik, Tiit Kuusmik, Lembit Kaljuvee, Valeri Korb, Enn Eesmaa, Jaan Kundla, Inara Luigas, Kadri Must, Helle Kalda, Heimar Lenk
Reply by:
Minister of Social Affairs Maret Maripuu
6. Healthcare
Villu Reiljan, Mai Treial, Tarmo Mänd, Jaanus Marrandi, Ester Tuiksoo, Karel Rüütli
Reply by:
Minister of Social Affairs Maret Maripuu
Unscheduled statements
Tuesday, 22 January
1. Bill on Amendments to the Dwelling Act (149 SE)
First reading
Olga Sõtnik
Margus Lepik
2. Bill on Amendments to the Bank of Estonia Act (182 SE)
First reading
Margus Tsahkna
Wednesday, 23 January
1. Bill on Amendments to the National Coat of Arms Act (130 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded
Ene Kaups
2. Bill on Amendments to the Copyright Act (178 SE)
First reading
Laine Jänes,
Lauri Vahtre
3. Bill on Amendments to the Aliens Act and the State Fees Act (183 SE)
First reading
Jüri Pihl,
Vilja Savisaar
4. Bill on Amendments to the Probation Supervision Act, Imprisonment Act and Courts Act (169 SE)
First reading
Rein Lang,
Hanno Pevkur
5. Bill on Amendments to the State Borders Act, and the Law of Ship Flag and Registers of Ships Act (160 SE)
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Imre Sooäär
6. 181 SE Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Jürgen Ligi
7. Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act (180 SE)
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Jürgen Ligi
Thursday, 24 January
1. Bill on Amendments to the National Coat of Arms Act (130 SE)
Third reading