January 14 – 17
Agenda of the 1st Working Week of the 3rd Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 14 January
Replies to interpellations
1. Surveillance activities
Karel Rüütli, Mai Treial, Tarmo Mänd, Ester Tuiksoo, Villu Reiljan and Jaanus Marrandi
Reply by:
Minister of Internal Affairs Jüri Pihl
Unscheduled statements
Tuesday, 15 January
1. 152 SE Bill on Amendments to § 24 of the Pre-School Child Care Institutions Act
First reading
Lauri Luik
2. 139 SE Bill on Amendments to § 61 of the State Pension Insurance Act
First reading
Marika Tuus,
Taavi Rõivas
Wednesday, 16 January
1. 56 SE Law of Succession Bill
Resumption of second reading
Hanno Pevkur
2. 160 SE Bill on Amendments to the State Borders Act, and the Law of Ship Flag and Registers of Ships Act
First reading
Jaanus Tamkivi,
Imre Sooäär
3. 165 SE Bill on Amendments to the Pre-school Child Care Institutions Act, Private Schools Act and Hobby School Act
First reading
Tõnis Lukas,
Helmer Jõgi
4. 167 SE Bill on Amendments to the Energy Efficiency of Equipment Act
First reading
Juhan Parts,
Hannes Astok
5. 161 SE Bill on Amendments to the Land Tax Act
First reading
Ivari Padar,
Jürgen Ligi
Thursday, 17 January
1. 56 SE Law of Succession Bill
Third reading in case the second is concluded