Extraordinary Session of the Riigikogu, 20 June 2005
A g e n d a
of the Extraordinary Session of the Riigikogu
20 June 2005
Begins at 10 a.m.
Lasts until all items on the agenda have been deliberated
1. Bill on the Ratification of the State Border Treaty between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation and the Treaty on the Delimitation of Maritime Areas of Narva Bay and the Gulf of Finland between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation (660 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Resumption of second reading
Report by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa
2. Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Associated Acts (658 SE), initiated by the Estonian People’s Union Faction, Estonian Reform Party Faction and Estonian Centre Party Faction
Second reading
Report by Chairman of the Finance Committee Meelis Atonen
3. In case the second reading is concluded:
Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Associated Acts (658 SE), initiated by the Estonian People’s Union Faction, Estonian Reform Party Faction and Estonian Centre Party Faction
Third reading