Agenda of the 12th Working Week
of the 7th Session of the 11th Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 19 April at 3:00 p.m.

Replies to interpellations

1. Estonia falling among the five last countries in the world
Submitted by
Inara Luigas, Lauri Laasi, Kadri Simson, Valeri Korb, Tiit Kuusmik, Georg Pelisaar, Kalle Laanet
Reply by
Minister of Finance Jürgen Ligi

2. Waste carriage in Elva city
Submitted by
Marika Tuus, Valeri Korb, Nikolai Põdramägi
Reply by
Minister of the Environment Jaanus Tamkivi

3. Bee-keeping
Submitted by
Jaan Kundla
Reply by
Minister of Agriculture Helir-Valdor Seeder

4. Real estate transactions of the Ministry of Defence
Submitted by
Kalle Laanet, Tiit Kuusmik, Lembit Kaljuvee, Enn Eesmaa, Toivo Tootsen, Ain Seppik, Vladimir Velman, Jüri Ratas, Lauri Laasi, Evelyn Sepp, Kadri Simson, Aivar Riisalu, Valeri Korb, Kalev Kallo, Jaak Aab, Nikolai Põdramägi
Reply by
Minister of Defence Jaak Aaviksoo

5. The document management system of the Ministry of Defence
Submitted by
Hannes Rumm, Kalev Kotkas, Kalvi Kõva
Reply by
Minister of Defence Jaak Aaviksoo

6. Scheming with wages in the Ministry of Defence
Submitted by
Lauri Laasi, Valeri Korb, Evelyn Sepp, Mailis Reps, Tiit Kuusmik, Eldar Efendijev
Reply by
Minister of Defence Jaak Aaviksoo

7. Public procurements of the Unemployment Insurance Fund
Submitted by
Lauri Laasi, Helle Kalda, Inara Luigas, Toomas Varek
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur

8. Problems relating to digital prescriptions
Submitted by
Marika Tuus, Enn Eesmaa, Eldar Efendijev, Nelli Privalova, Vladimir Velman, Jaak Aab, Nikolai Põdramägi
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur

9. Excessive consumption of alcohol in Estonia
Submitted by
Marika Tuus, Evelyn Sepp, Vladimir Velman, Valeri Korb
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur

10. Payment of unemployment insurance
Submitted by
Georg Pelisaar, Tiit Kuusmik, Inara Luigas, Nikolai Põdramägi, Mailis Reps, Ester Tuiksoo, Mai Treial, Karel Rüütli, Marika Tuus
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur

11. Chernobyl and Afghanistan veterans
Submitted by
Rein Ratas, Evelyn Sepp, Lauri Laasi, Valeri Korb, Eldar Efendijev, Vladimir Velman, Tiit Kuusmik, Nelli Privalova, Ain Seppik
Reply by
Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur

Unscheduled statements

Tuesday, 20 April at 10:00 a.m.

1. Bill on Amendments to § 102 of the State Assets Act (713 SE)
Third reading

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a Proposal to the Government of the Republic” (682 OE)
First reading
Reports by
Heljo Pikhof,
Liisa-Ly Pakosta

3. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Bases of the Security Policy of Estonia” (718 OE)
First reading
Reports by
Urmas Paet,
Mati Raidma

4. Bill on Amendments to the Prosecutor’s Office Act (683 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Representative of the initiator,
Jaanus Rahumägi

5. Bill on Amendments to the State Funeral Benefits Act (696 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Mai Treial,
Taavi Rõivas

6. Bill on Amendments to the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act (695 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Jaak Aab,
Maret Maripuu

7. Bill on Amendments to the Social Tax Act (690 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Kadri Simson,
Margus Tsahkna

Wednesday, 21 April at 2:00 p.m.

1. Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Service Act (698 SE)
Third reading

2. Bill on Amendments to the Public Procurements Act and Associated Acts (665 SE)
Third reading

3. Bill on Amendments to the Commercial Code and Other Acts (708 SE)
Second reading
Erik Salumäe

4. Riigi Teataja Bill (654 SE)
Second reading
Väino Linde

5. Bill on Amendments to § 831 of the Government of the Republic Act (706 SE)
Second reading
Ene Kaups

6. Euro Adoption Bill (709 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Taavi Rõivas

7. State Fees Bill (721 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Taavi Rõivas

8. Rescue Bill (514 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Robert Antropov

9. Fire Safety Bill (513 SE)
Second reading
Report by
Robert Antropov

10. International Sanctions Bill (632 SE)
Second reading
Kalle Laanet

11. Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Associated Acts (723 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Jürgen Ligi,
Taavi Rõivas

12. Product Conformity Bill (702 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Juhan Parts,
Margus Lepik

13. Product Conformity Act Implementation Bill (703 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Juhan Parts,
Margus Lepik

14. Bill on Amendments to § 17 of the District Heating Act (716 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Juhan Parts,
Hannes Astok

Thursday, 22 April at 10:00 a.m.

1. Bill on Amendments to the Commercial Code and Other Acts (708 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded

2. Riigi Teataja Bill (654 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded

3. Bill on Amendments to § 831 of the Government of the Republic Act (706 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded

4. Euro Adoption Bill (709 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded

5. State Fees Bill (721 SE)
Third reading in case the second is concluded

6. Matter of significant national importance: Deliberation of the Estonian Human Development Report 2009
Report by
Marju Lauristin, chief editor of the Estonian Human Development Report 2009;
Rivo Noorkõiv, editor of the Estonian Human Development Report 2009;
Väino Linde, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee

7. Bill on Amendments to § 63 of the Health Insurance Act (684 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Mai Treial,
Tatjana Muravjova

8. Bill on Amendments to the Employment Contracts Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act (689 SE)
First reading
Reports by
Heljo Pikhof,
Tõnis Kõiv

