Agenda for the 7th Working Week 07.11.2016 – 10.11.2016 
of the 4th Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 7 November

1. Interpellation concerning problems in state enterprises and public procurements (No. 251), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Jaanus Karilaid, Kersti Sarapuu, Kadri Simson, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Vladimir Velman, Enn Eesmaa, Dmitri Dmitrijev, Tarmo Tamm, Erki Savisaar, Jüri Ratas, Anneli Ott, Aadu Must, Viktor Vassiljev, Siret Kotka, Peeter Ernits, Mihhail Korb and Märt Sults on 22 September 2016
Reply by Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas

2. Interpellation concerning agricultural vehicles moving on public highways (No. 252), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Siret Kotka, Kadri Simson, Heimar Lenk, Kersti Sarapuu, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Vladimir Velman, Oudekki Loone, Enn Eesmaa, Tarmo Tamm, Erki Savisaar, Anneli Ott, Viktor Vassiljev, Peeter Ernits, Mihhail Korb and Martin Repinski on 22 September 2016
Reply by Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kristen Michal

3. Interpellation concerning the implementation of the decisions of the “Report on the network and policies of Estonian universities, research institutions and institutions of professional higher education” by the Research and Development Council (No. 253), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Krista Aru, Artur Talvik, Monika Haukanõmm, Andres Ammas, Külliki Kübarsepp, Andres Herkel and Jüri Adams on 22 September 2016
Reply by Minister of Education and Research Maris Lauri

4. Interpellation concerning Patarei Sea Fortress Prison complex in the ownership of the State Real Estate Ltd (No. 249), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Külliki Kübarsepp, Krista Aru, Artur Talvik, Monika Haukanõmm, Ain Lutsepp, Andres Herkel and Andres Ammas on 19 September 2016
Reply by Minister of Public Administration Arto Aas

5. Interpellation concerning the current activities and development of the State Shared Service Centre in connection with the aims set out in “A State Tasks Analysis” (No. 259), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Krista Aru, Andres Ammas, Külliki Kübarsepp, Ain Lutsepp and Artur Talvik on 11 October 2016
Reply by Minister of Public Administration Arto Aas

6. Interpellation concerning the working group for payment arrears of apartment associations (No. 250), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Olga Ivanova, Jüri Ratas, Erki Savisaar, Jaanus Karilaid, Anneli Ott, Aadu Must, Viktor Vassiljev, Siret Kotka, Mihhail Korb, Peeter Ernits, Kadri Simson, Marika Tuus-Laul, Märt Sults, Kersti Sarapuu, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Vladimir Velman, Oudekki Loone, Dmitri Dmitrijev, Enn Eesmaa and Tarmo Tamm on 21 September 2016
Reply by Minister of Entrepreneurship Liisa Oviir

7. Interpellation concerning the activities of Enterprise Estonia (No. 267), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Erki Savisaar, Märt Sults, Kersti Sarapuu, Valeri Korb, Jaanus Karilaid, Enn Eesmaa, Dmitri Dmitrijev, Siret Kotka and Tarmo Tamm on 18 October 2016
Reply by Minister of Entrepreneurship Liisa Oviir

Tuesday, 8 November

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a Proposal to the Government of the Republic” (289 OE), submitted by the Estonian Centre Party Faction
First reading (Majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu)
Report by Member of the Riigikogu Mihhail Stalnuhhin
Report by member of the Economic Affairs Committee Kalle Palling

2. Bill on Amendments to the Waste Act (257 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Chairman of the Environment Committee Rainer Vakra

3. Bill on Amendments to the Rescue Act and the Police and Border Guard Act (309 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of the Interior Hanno Pevkur
Report by Deputy Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee Uno Kaskpeit

4. Bill on Amendments to the Alcohol Act and the Advertising Act (265 SE), initiated by the Estonian Centre Party Faction
First reading
Report by Member of the Riigikogu Andrei Novikov
Report by Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee Toomas Kivimägi

Wednesday, 9 November

1. Bill on Amendments to the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act (249 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

2. Bill on Amendments to the Organic Farming Act (282 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

3. Bill on Amendments to the State Budget for 2016 Act (296 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading
Report by Chairman of the Finance Committee Remo Holsmer

4. Report on the implementation of “Development Objectives of Legal Policy until 2018”
Report by Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu

5. Bill on Amendments to the Working Conditions of Employees Posted to Estonia Act and Other Acts (256 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Aivar Kokk

6. Bill on Amendments to the Social Welfare Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (317 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of Social Protection Margus Tsahkna
Report by member of the Social Affairs Committee Vilja Toomast

7. Bill on Amendments to the State Borders Act (269 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee
First reading
Report by Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Kalle Laanet

8. Bill on Amendments to the Water Act (316 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of the Environment Marko Pomerants
Report by member of the Environment Committee Meelis Mälberg

9. Bill on Amendments to the District Heating Act (264 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kristen Michal
Report by member of the Economic Affairs Committee Jaanus Marrandi

10. Bill on Amendments to the Traffic Act, the State Fees Act and the Product Conformity Act (281 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kristen Michal
Report by member of the Economic Affairs Committee Kalle Palling

11. Bill on Amendments to the Electricity Market Act (290 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kristen Michal
Report by member of the Economic Affairs Committee Kalle Palling

Thursday, 10 November

1. Bill on Amendments to the Law Enforcement Act (267 SE), initiated by the Legal Affairs Committee
Second reading
Report by member of the Legal Affairs Committee Kristjan Kõljalg

On Monday, 7 November, after replies to the interpellations on the agenda, the microphone is open to unscheduled statements until no further requests for statements are made.

On Wednesday, 9 November, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Question Time takes place.
