Agenda for the 4th Working Week (6 February 2023 – 9 February 2023) of the 9th Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 6 February

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Approval of ‘The National Security Concept of Estonia’” (775 OE), submitted by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister
Report by Raimond Kaljulaid, Chairman of the National Defence Committee

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu ““Amendment of the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Extension of the Time Limit for the Use of the Defence Forces in the Fulfilment of the International Commitments of the Estonian State in the International Military Operation Inherent Resolve”” (776 OE), submitted by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence
Report by Raimond Kaljulaid, Chairman of the National Defence Committee

3. Interpellation concerning the immunisation of students (No. 161), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Kalle Grünthal, Henn Põlluaas, Siim Pohlak, Uno Kaskpeit, Ruuben Kaalep, Merry Aart, Peeter Ernits, Alar Laneman, Riho Breivel and Helle-Moonika Helme on 12 December 2022
Reply by Peep Peterson, Minister of Health and Labour

Tuesday, 7 February

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Margit Vutt a Justice of the Supreme Court” (752 OE), submitted by Villu Kõve, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
First reading
Report by Eduard Odinets, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
Report by Margit Vutt, candidate for justice of the Supreme Court

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Janar Holm to the Office of Auditor General” (769 OE), submitted by the President of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis
First reading
Report by Eduard Odinets, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
Report by candidate for the Auditor General Janar Holm

3. Act on Amendments to the Foreign Service Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (45 UA), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Renewed deliberation
Report by Eduard Odinets, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
Report by Andres Sutt, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Wednesday, 8 February

1. Bill on Amendments to the Courts Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (633 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading (Majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu)
2. Security Activities Bill (638 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading (Majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu)

3. Payment and Settlement Systems Bill (743 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading (Majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu)

4. Bill on Amendments to the Old-Age Pensions under Favourable Conditions Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (710 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

5. Bill on Amendments to the State Assets Act and Other Acts (712 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

6. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Amendment of the Resolution of the Riigikogu ‘The Fundamentals of Climate Policy until 2050’ˮ (616 OE), submitted by the Environment Committee
Second reading
Report by Yoko Alender, member of the Environment Committee

7. Bill on Amendments to the Military Service Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (754 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Kalle Laanet, member of the National Defence Committee

8. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure (684 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Toomas Järveoja, member of the Legal Affairs Committee

9. Bill on Amendments to the Health Services Organisation Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (699 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Priit Sibul, member of the Social Affairs Committee

10. Labour Market Measures Bill (735 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Helmen Kütt, Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee

11. Bill on Amendments to the Earth’s Crust Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (745 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Continuation of the second reading
Report by Andres Metsoja, Chairman of the Environment Committee

12. Public Water Supply and Sewerage Bill (523 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Andres Metsoja, Chairman of the Environment Committee
13. Bill on Amendments to the Electricity Market Act and Other Acts (696 SE), initiated by the Economic Affairs Committee
Continuation of the second reading
Report by Kristen Michal, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee

14. Bill on Amendments to the Building Code, An Act to Implement the Building Code and the Planning Act, and the State Assets Act (746 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Kristen Michal, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee

15. Bill on Amendments to the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions Act (736 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Jüri Jaanson, member of the Economic Affairs Committee

16. Bill on Amendments to the Competition Act (759 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Jüri Jaanson, member of the Economic Affairs Committee

Thursday, 9 February

1. Deliberation of the matter of significant national importance “Green transition or green frenzy?” initiated by the Estonian Conservative People’s Party Faction
Report by Rain Epler, Minister of the Environment in 2020-2021
Report by Alar Konist, Professor for Energy, TalTech
Report by Martin Helme, member of the Estonian Conservative People’s Party Faction

On Monday, 6 February, after all items on the agenda have been discussed, the time for unscheduled statements begins, to continue until no further requests for the floor are made, but no longer than until 12 midnight.

On Wednesday, 8 February, from 12 noon to 2 p.m., Question Time takes place.
