Agenda, 28.01.2019–31.01.2019
Agenda for the 3rd Working Week 28.01.2019–31.01.2019 of the 9th Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly
Monday, 28 January
1. Interpellation concerning the information activities of local governments in pre-election period (No. 459), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Andres Herkel, Jüri Adams, Ain Lutsepp, Enn Meri, Krista Aru and Külliki Kübarsepp on 3 December 2018
Reply by Janar Holm, Auditor General
2. Interpellation concerning the abandonment of the planning of an orbital railway (No. 460), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Andres Herkel, Krista Aru, Enn Meri, Külliki Kübarsepp, Tiina Kangro and Ain Lutsepp on 17 December 2018
Reply by Kadri Simson, Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure
Tuesday, 29 January
Oath of office of Justice of the Supreme Court Velmar Brett
1. Bill on Amendments to the Courts Act and Code of Criminal Procedure (776 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Marko Pomerants, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
2. Bill on Amendments to the Government of the Republic Act and Other Acts (merger of the Environmental Board and the Environmental Inspectorate) (789 SE), initiated by members of the Riigikogu Andres Metsoja, Raivo Aeg, Tarmo Kruusimäe, Helir-Valdor Seeder, Priit Sibul, Aivar Kokk, Sven Sester, Viktoria Ladõnskaja-Kubits, Maire Aunaste, Marko Pomerants, Mart Nutt, Valeri Korb, Jaanus Karilaid, Märt Sults, Inara Luigas and Tanel Talve
First reading
Report by Marko Pomerants, member of the Rural Affairs Committee
Report by Rainer Vakra, Chairman of the Environment Committee
3. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “The Fundamentals of the State Reform and Good Administration” (777 OE), submitted by the Riigikogu Study Committee to Draw Up the Development Objectives for the State Reform
First reading
Report by Tanel Talve, Chairman of the Riigikogu Study Committee to Draw Up the Development Objectives for the State Reform
Report by Helmut Hallemaa, member of the Constitutional Committee
Wednesday, 30 January
1. Water Bill (643 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading
2. Bill on Amendments to § 11 of the Income Tax Act (770 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading
3. Bill on Amendments to the Notarisation Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (719 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading
4. Bill on Amendments to the Insurance Activities Act and the Law of Obligations Act (769 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading
5. Report on the implementation of “The Fundamentals of the Cultural Policy until 2020” in 2018
Report by Indrek Saar, Minister of Culture
6. Bill on Amendments to the Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act (799 SE), initiated by the Estonian Reform Party Faction and the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Heljo Pikhof, member of the Cultural Affairs Committee
7. Covered Bond Bill (760 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Priit Sibul, member of the Finance Committee
8. Bill on Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure and Other Acts (759 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Uno Kaskpeit, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee
9. Bill on Amendments to the Imprisonment Act (680 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Vilja Toomast, member of the Legal Affairs Committee
10. Bill on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Belarus on Social Security (790 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Kaia Iva, Minister of Social Protection
Report by Monika Haukanõmm, Deputy Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee
11. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “The Fundamentals of the Population Policy until 2035” (779 OE), submitted by the Riigikogu Study Committee to Solve the Demographic Crisis
First reading
Report by Siret Kotka-Repinski, Chairman of the Riigikogu Study Committee to Solve the Demographic Crisis
Report by Viktor Vassiljev, member of the Social Affairs Committee
Thursday, 31 January
1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Release of Priit Pikamäe from the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court” (787 OE), submitted by the President of the Republic Kersti Kaljulaid
First reading
Report by Helmut Hallemaa, member of the Constitutional Committee
2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Villu Kõve to the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court” (796 OE), submitted by the President of the Republic Kersti Kaljulaid
First reading
Report by Helmut Hallemaa, member of the Constitutional Committee
Report by Villu Kõve, candidate for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
3. Bill on Amendments to the Military Service Act Implementation Act and the Police and Border Guard Act (667 SE), initiated by members of the Riigikogu Raivo Aeg, Ants Laaneots, Tarmo Kruusimäe, Priit Sibul, Maire Aunaste, Uno Kaskpeit, Arno Sild, Raivo Põldaru, Henn Põlluaas, Martin Helme, Andres Metsoja, Ain Lutsepp, Krista Aru, Artur Talvik, Enn Meri, Jaanus Karilaid, Dmitri Dmitrijev, Mart Helme, Madis Milling, Meelis Mälberg, Peep Aru, Toomas Väinaste, Helmut Hallemaa, Aivar Kokk, Hardi Volmer, Tiit Terik, Anneli Ott, Märt Sults, Toomas Paur, Enn Eesmaa, Valeri Korb, Toomas Vitsut, Külliki Kübarsepp and Johannes Kert
Second reading
Report by Uno Kaskpeit, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee
4. Bill on Amendments to the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act (663 SE), initiated by the Estonian Free Party Faction
Second reading
Report by Helmen Kütt, Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee
5. Bill on Accession to the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (791 SE), initiated by the Government
First reading
Report by Siim Kiisler, Minister of the Environment
Report by Meelis Mälberg, member of the Environment Committee
On Monday, 28 January, after replies to interpellations on the agenda, the microphone is open to unscheduled statements until no further requests for statements are made.
On Wednesday, 30 January, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Question Time takes place.