Agenda for the 6th Working Week (22 May 2023 – 26 May 2023) of the 1st Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 22 May

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Removal of Members and Appointment of New Members of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation Environmental Investment Centre” (209 OE), submitted by the Environment Committee
First reading
Report by Tarmo Tamm, Chairman of the Environment Committee

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board of the State Forest Management Centre” (210 OE), submitted by the Environment Committee
First reading
Report by Tarmo Tamm, Chairman of the Environment Committee

3. Bill on Amendments to the Family Law Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (207 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Signe Riisalo, Minister of Social Protection
Report by Eduard Odinets, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee

4. Interpellation concerning the record low birth rate and the plan to reduce allowances related to children (No. 2), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Riina Solman, Urmas Reinsalu, Helir-Valdor Seeder, Andres Metsoja, Mart Maastik, Tõnis Lukas and Aivar Kokk on 12 April 2023
Reply by Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister

5. Interpellation concerning the population crisis (No. 4), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Jaak Valge, Varro Vooglaid, Alar Laneman, Kalle Grünthal, Kert Kingo, Arvo Aller, Evelin Poolamets, Leo Kunnas, Rene Kokk, Henn Põlluaas, Martin Helme, Siim Pohlak, Helle-Moonika Helme, Mart Helme, Anti Poolamets and Ants Frosch on 18 April 2023
Reply by Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister

6. Interpellation concerning Ukrainian men of mobilisation age who have received temporary and international protection in Estonia (No. 5), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Evelin Poolamets, Jaak Valge, Varro Vooglaid, Alar Laneman, Kalle Grünthal, Kert Kingo, Arvo Aller, Leo Kunnas, Rene Kokk, Henn Põlluaas and Martin Helme on 18 April 2023
Reply by Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister

Tuesday, 23 May

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Urmas Varblane to the Office of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank” (23 OE), submitted by the President of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis
First reading
Report by Hendrik Johannes Terras, member of the Finance Committee

Wednesday, 24 May

1. Bill on Amendments to the Weapons Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (144 SE)
First reading
Report by Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence
Report by Kristo Enn Vaga, member of the National Defence Committee

2. Interpellation concerning investments in connection with the presence of allies (No. 35), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Enn Eesmaa, Aleksei Jevgrafov and Lauri Laats on 8 May 2023
Reply by Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence

3. Interpellation concerning the movement of allies (No. 59), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Andres Metsoja, Riina Solman, Aivar Kokk and Helir-Valdor Seeder on 8 May 2023
Reply by Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence

4. Interpellation concerning the activities of NGO Slava Ukraini (No. 9), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Kert Kingo, Mart Helme, Rene Kokk, Evelin Poolamets, Arvo Aller, Kalle Grünthal, Varro Vooglaid, Jaak Valge, Ants Frosch, Helle-Moonika Helme and Siim Pohlak on 26 April 2023
Reply by Kalle Laanet, Minister of Justice

5. Interpellation concerning opportunities to file appeals (No. 44), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Varro Vooglaid, Martin Helme and Kert Kingo on 8 May 2023
Reply by Kalle Laanet, Minister of Justice

6. Interpellation concerning a legitimate expectation (No. 70), submitted by members of the Riigikogu Helir-Valdor Seeder, Aivar Kokk, Andres Metsoja, Priit Sibul and Mart Maastik on 8 May 2023
Reply by Kalle Laanet, Minister of Justice

7. Interpellation concerning deceitful policy (No. 87), submitted by member of the Riigikogu Priit Sibul on 10 May 2023
Reply by Kalle Laanet, Minister of Justice

8. Interpellation concerning deceitful policy (No. 88), submitted by member of the Riigikogu Helir-Valdor Seeder on 10 May 2023
Reply by Kalle Laanet, Minister of Justice

Thursday, 25 May

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe” (156 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” (157 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Henn Põlluaas, Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

3. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe” (158 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Reili Rand, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee

4. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the European Interparliamentary Space Conference” (159 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Johanna-Maria Lehtme, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee

5. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania” (212 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Luisa Rõivas, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee

On Monday, 22 May, after all items on the agenda have been discussed, the time for unscheduled statements begins, to continue until no further requests for the floor are made, but no longer than until 12 midnight.

On Wednesday, 24 May, from 12 noon to 2 p.m., Question Time takes place.
